London Calling:
Bonus Scene
This bonus scene takes place after the conclusion of Unwritten and during Unpredictable.
“Hey, Goody,” Connor said after finally answering the phone on the fourth ring. “Now’s not a good time.”
“Okay.” I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. “When is a good time?”
I was tired from a long day, missing Connor, and aggravated by the fact that my fiancé seemed unable to make time to talk to me. It wasn’t like I was asking for an hour—even just five minutes would be nice.
“I, um—” He sounded distracted. And was that a woman’s voice beckoning him in the background? I knew he was supposed to be on assignment, but what the heck was going on? Where was he?
“When are we going to talk about the wedding?”
“Um…this weekend.”
“You said that last weekend. And it’s not like we have tons of time here.”
I glanced down at my engagement ring, the trio of diamonds sparkling in the light. Though some of the sparkle from our relationship had clearly faded. And I’d begun to wonder if this was how my parents had felt before—traversing the world, pursuing their dreams while their relationship imploded.
I’d always said I wouldn’t do long-distance. And when Connor moved to LA, it seemed as if the problem was solved. We were together. We were happy. We’d bought a house, gotten engaged, and our careers were going well. Now… I shook my head. Now I was in London while he was in LA or god knows where.
His job for a private security company often required travel. It was dangerous, but I tried not to think about it. He loved his job. And I loved him for dedicating his life to serving others. He and his teammates helped women and children escape deplorable conditions. But sometimes—selfishly—I just needed him with me. And now was one of those times.
“Olivia,” he said, interrupting my thoughts. “You still there?”
It was quieter in the background, and I wondered where he was. But I knew better than to ask. Sometimes I hated that his job required secrecy. I didn’t want there to be any secrets between us.
“What do you want to talk about?” he asked.
“The flowers, the cake—we have some decisions to make.”
“I thought your dad was handling it.”
“Yeah.” I blew out a breath, trying to ignore the fact that he seemed completely uninterested in anything having to do with our wedding. “But it’s our wedding. Don’t you think we should give some input?”
“If it were up to me, we would’ve eloped by now. You’d already be my wife.”
My lips tilted at the word “wife” coming from his lips. I couldn’t wait to be married, to wake up in his arms and have him call me his wife.
“I know, but I really want to celebrate with our friends and family. I never thought I’d say this, but I want the big wedding.”
“I know. And I want you to be happy. So, let’s talk about cake flavors or whatever.”
His voice was muffled, and I heard him talking to someone in the background, even as I walked us through the options. When I finally finished and asked him what he thought, he said, “Yeah. That sounds great.”
I frowned at the phone. I’d told him I wanted carrot cake. He hated carrot cake. My nose burned, and I knew I had to get off the phone before I started crying. “It’s getting late.”
“Sure.” Was that relief in his tone? “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” he said, but it felt like he was going through the motions.
I hung up the phone and tossed it onto the coffee table. What the heck was going on with him? In less than six months, we’d gone from staying up all night talking on the phone to barely being able to fill five minutes of conversation. I cried myself to sleep, and when I finally did sleep, it was restless. I was plagued by bad dreams—Connor leaving me. Him not showing up at our wedding.
The next day, I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for work. The day passed in a blur, and by the time I returned to the flat I’d rented, I was exhausted. I knew my stay in London was only temporary, but I feared the damage to my relationship with Connor would be permanent. He was pulling away, and it felt like I was losing him.
After dinner, I pored over some reports in a desperate attempt to distract myself. But it was useless. And when my phone rang, I leaped to answer it.
“Hey,” I said, not bothering to glance at the screen.
“Livie, hey.”
“Oh. Hi, Dad.” My face fell.
“Everything okay, sweetie?”
“Yeah.” I blew out a breath. “Sure.”
“Uh oh.”
“Long-distance sucks.” I plopped down on the couch.
“I know,” he said. “But you only have six weeks left.”
Six weeks sounded like an eternity. I hadn’t seen Connor in nearly a month, and we hadn’t discussed when he was coming out here next. It was a long flight, and he was trying to save up his vacation time for our honeymoon, as was I.
“What’s up with you?” I asked, not wanting to dwell on the situation. If Connor and I couldn’t handle being apart for three months, how would our relationship stand the test of time? This wouldn’t be the last time we were apart, though it would probably be the longest. At least, I hoped so.
I didn’t realize I was crying until a fat tear dropped onto my thigh, darkening my leggings.
“Don’t cry, sweetheart,” my dad pleaded.
“It’s just…” I sniffled. “It feels like I’m losing him.”
“Well,” he sighed. “You’re both so busy at work right now. But this is just a phase.”
“Is that what you told yourself about Mom? It was just a phase?”
He was silent a moment, and I wondered if I’d pushed too far. Asked for too much. I hadn’t ever really asked him about it. It had never mattered as much as it did now.
“Sorry. Forget I asked.”
“No. No. It’s okay. Your mom and I…our relationship was different. I see the way you and Connor are together. I see the love between you, and I know he would do anything for you.”
“Do you think he’s having second thoughts?” I whispered, afraid to say the words too loud.
He chuckled. “About marrying you?” I could imagine him shaking his head, a warm smile on his face. And it struck me just how much I missed my dad. “He’s crazy about you. Trust me.”
Despite my dad’s initial opposition to the wedding, he seemed to be completely on board now. I wondered what had changed his mind. Before I could ask, there was a knock at the door, and I jolted. A glance at the time confirmed it was late—nearly ten. But I wasn’t expecting anyone.
“Hey, I have to go,” I said.
“Sure. Let’s chat soon about the wedding. Juliana and I have a number of things we want to run by you.”
Interesting. I smiled to myself, noting the way my dad’s tone changed when he’d mentioned Juliana.
I padded over to the door. “I love you, Dad,” I said, unwilling to commit to anything.
“I love you, Livie. And I’m so proud of you.”
We ended the call, and I peered through the peephole, certain my eyes were playing tricks on me. Connor stood in the hallway, a bouquet of peonies in hand. And I flung open the door, half afraid he’d disappear.
“Hey, Goody.” He smiled, and my heart melted.
I took him in, the dark jeans that clung to his powerful thighs, the duffel bag slung across his broad shoulders. “Connor! What are you doing here?”
“I missed you,” he rasped.
I jumped into his arms, not caring about his bag or the flowers. Not caring that we were in the hall where anyone could walk past at any moment. I attacked his lips, unable to get close enough, despite the fact that I was clinging to his body like a vine on a tree.
“I missed you so much,” I said between kisses.
He carried me inside, kicking the door shut behind us. He dropped his bag on the floor, set the flowers on the table, but he never stopped touching me, kissing me. I slid down his front, feeling his erection as it dug into me.
I ran a hand over his jaw, admiring the scruff lining it. He smiled, threading his fingers through my hair before claiming my mouth.
“Hey, beautiful.” He pressed his lips to mine. Our connection sent a spark racing through my body, igniting my core.
I draped my hands over his shoulders, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he was here. In London. I had so many questions, so many things I wanted to say, but it could wait. Right now, I wanted him more than anything else.
It was a race to remove each other’s clothes as he backed me toward the bedroom. He lavished my skin with attention, kissing every bare surface. Goose bumps covered my skin, warmth spreading through my limbs.
Am I dreaming?
He shook his head. And the feel of his scruff brushing against my belly made me laugh. And only then did I realize I’d asked the question aloud. He peered up at me, gray eyes full of wonder, of love.
“I need you,” he growled.
I nodded, running my hand over his head, the short hair brushing against my palm. “I need you too.”
He slid my underwear down my legs before teasing my clit with his finger. It was…intense. Everything about this moment, this reunion was overwhelming. Then he added his tongue, lifting my legs so my thigh rested on his shoulder. I closed my eyes as an orgasm barreled into me.
“Oh god. Oh god.” I clenched his shoulders, seeking purchase even as I floated away.
But he kept going, extracting every ounce of pleasure from me until my legs were shaking and my body limp. He picked me up and tossed me on the bed as if I weighed nothing. I giggled as he slipped out of his boxer briefs, kicking them aside before crawling over me.
His erection was warm and heavy against my thigh, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could wait. I needed him inside me. I needed him to stretch and fill me, to make me whole.
He lined himself up at my entrance, slowly pushing inside me. “Fuck. You feel so good.”
I sighed in agreement. It had been too long. And while phone sex was fun, it wasn’t enough. Hearing his voice wasn’t the same as having his hands on me. His lips on my skin. His body caging me in.
I wrapped my legs around his back, pulling him in closer, deeper. With every thrust, I climbed higher and higher. This was exactly what I’d needed—him.
“That’s it, Goody.” He bent his head, sucking my nipple into his hot, wet mouth. And I cried out, overwhelmed by the sensations, by the fact that he was actually here.
“Yes, baby. Yes,” he chanted as colors burst before my eyes.
I came apart beneath him, and he exploded a second later, grunting out his own release. He rolled to the side, pulling me into his arms. His heart was racing—mine too. And we struggled to catch our breath.
“I love you.” His voice rumbled, thick and comforting.
I pushed up on my elbow, peering down at him. “I love you, Connor. And I still can’t believe you’re here.” I traced the muscles of his chest.
“I’m here.” He grinned.
I was scared to ask, but I needed to know. “For how long?”
“Just the weekend.”
My jaw dropped. “You flew eleven hours just to spend the weekend with me?”
He cupped my cheek. “Haven’t you realized by now? I’d do anything to be with you.”
A tear slid down my cheek, and he used his thumb to wipe it away.
“What’s wrong?” He furrowed his brow. “I thought you’d be happy.”
“Of course I’m happy.” The tears streaming down my face completely contradicted my words, but my emotions were all over the place.
He pulled me into his arms, and it felt like coming home. There was nowhere I’d rather be.
“I’m sorry.” I sniffled. “I’m thrilled to see you. I just… I’m so overwhelmed.”
He pulled back, tucking my hair behind my ear. “Talk to me, Goody. What’s going on?”
“Work. The wedding. Being so far apart. It’s…killing me.”
“I know, but it’s not forever. We just have to make it a few more weeks.” He gave me a smile that was meant to be reassuring.
I nodded, but he must have sensed my hesitation.
He cupped my cheek, his gray eyes searching. “Is something else going on?”
“I just…” I let out a shuddering breath. “I don’t want to end up like my parents.”
“We won’t.” His tone left no room for arguments, but still, I had my doubts. It wasn’t like either one of us had parents were the best role models of a happy marriage.
“Yeah, but we’re both so busy. I mean, my dad’s planning our wedding, for crying out loud.”
“It’s one day,” he said. “One day in the rest of our lives.”
I ducked my head. “I’m sure it seems silly to you,” I huffed. “But it’s important to me.”
“I know.” He clasped my hand in his, holding it over his heart. “And it will be wonderful. You’ll see. Didn’t you say Juliana was the best?”
“Yes, but—”
“And your dad knows you. He knows what you like.”
“I know. I just…don’t you think we should be a little more involved since it’s ‘our day.’”
He ran a hand over my shoulder and down my arm. “I think we should do whatever makes us happy. And right now—” He rolled me so I was on top of him. “And always. Being with you is what makes me happy.”
His erection nudged my entrance. I was already wet for him, my body responding before my mind could even catch up.
“Connor,” I sighed, frustration mingling with pleasure.
“You want to be my wife, right?” He waited for my confirmation to slide inside me. “You want to spend your life with me?” After I nodded, he thrust in and out, my walls clenching him, holding him close.
“Yes,” I hissed.
“Then that’s all that matters.” He pressed his lips to mine, our tongues tangling as our bodies intertwined.
He was right. The wedding, the cake, none of it mattered. What mattered was that we loved each other. And he’d reaffirmed that by flying across the world just to be with me. And deep down, I knew it didn’t matter how far apart we were, we’d always be together.