Three’s a Crowd:
Irresistible Deleted Scene

Can you get too much of Hunter and Lauren? I can’t! I love their quick banter, the way they challenge each other, and their explosive chemistry.

I found this deleted scene when I was going through and cleaning up my files, and I thought I’d share.

If you haven’t read Irresistible, it’s funny and empowering. It’s also a complete standalone romance about two flawed, imperfect people who might just be perfect for each other.

Scene: Three’s a Crowd

This would’ve been an alternate version of the campaign party Hunter hosts for his father in chapter twenty-four of Irresistible. It may contain spoilers, so it’s recommended that you read Irresistible first.



“Everything looks lovely,” Mom said as she glanced around my home. “Though I wish you’d used my decorator. Where are all the designer vases and high-end art?”

“This is what I wanted.” I gnashed my teeth, wishing Lauren weren’t stuck in traffic. “For my home. I wanted to have things that actually mean something to me.”

“It’s nice.” The way she said it was with such disdain. “Homey.”

I bit back a comment that it was more of a home than my parents’ house had ever been. The phrase What’s your kink is not my kink popped into my head, and I smiled at the reminder of Lauren.

“The designer was nominated by a prestigious international magazine for an award,” I said, feeling the need to brag on Lauren a little.

“That’s wonderful, dear,” Mom said, sipping her drink. “I can’t wait to see the article.”

Of course my father’s ears perked up at that. “What’s this? Oh, right.” He shook away my response. “That will be good exposure. Very…relatable in a way. Good job, Hunter.” Dad patted me on the shoulder, and my chest warmed from his praise.

“Charlotte, Toni,” Dad said, his attention focused on someone behind me. “So glad you could both make it.”

“We wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Toni said, shaking my father’s hand. “A chance to help my oldest friend and the next president.”

He was really laying it on thick. If I had to guess, he was angling for a cabinet appointment. Or he’d set his sights on the Supreme Court. Everyone knew a spot would be opening up soon.

“Charlotte.” I placed a kiss on her cheek when she offered it up.

Her black cocktail dress clung to her waiflike figure, but it did nothing for me. She was beautiful in a way that was expected. Nothing like Lauren’s untamed beauty, her luscious curves, those wicked lips. Though no one could compare to Lauren.

Charlotte smiled. “It’s good to see you, Hunter.”

She glanced around, smoothing her hand over the back of the sofa. The sofa Lauren and I had picked out together. The sofa where I’d fucked her numerous times. The sofa where we’d watched movies and cuddled with Riley. And now, Charlotte was caressing it with a possessive manner I didn’t appreciate.

“So,” she purred. “Aren’t you going to give me a tour?”

“Oh, I don’t—”

“Yes, Hunter.” Mom pushed me toward Charlotte. “Give her a tour. She has a keen eye for design and exquisite taste.”

“Oh, Mrs. Pruitt.” Charlotte dipped her head in a false display of modesty. She might have my parents fooled, but she’d only ever wanted me for my last name. “You’re too kind. I merely dabble.”

Which was the polite way of saying she was a socialite who didn’t work. She was shallow, fake. And the idea of being alone with her made my skin crawl.

“I should probably see if the party planner has everything she needs,” I said in a last-ditch attempt to extract myself from the situation.

“It’s fine.” Mom shooed us toward the stairs, the diamond bracelets adorning her wrist glittering. “Go. Go. I can handle anything that arises.”

Everything about the situation felt wrong, but I told myself I was probably overreacting. She wouldn’t try anything with a house full of guests, and it was a simple tour—nothing more. Still, inviting her into the private space of my home, leading her toward the room I shared with Lauren felt like crossing an invisible line.

I led Charlotte up the stairs, showing her my office and the guest room. When we made it to the master, she didn’t hesitate to enter the space. I frowned as she continued further inside. She didn’t belong there. No woman did, except Lauren.

“This is magnificent.” Charlotte’s voice was breathy, but it was annoying like a mosquito buzzing around. “I would love to wake up to this view every morning.”

I didn’t bite.

“We should get back downstairs.” I hooked my thumb toward the door, itching to have her out of my room, my space.

“Hunter—” She stepped closer, smoothing her hands down my lapels. “Seeing you tonight, seeing your home, reminded me of what I already knew. We’re meant to be together.”

I stared at her, trying to keep my face neutral. Had her father put her up to this? Had mine?

“Is that so?”

She mistook my question for one of interest. “Yes.” She stepped closer. “Can’t you see it—us? You building your company, maybe running for office one day. Me at your side, the perfect wife.”

She reached up as if to cup my cheek, and I snatched her wrist before she could make contact. Her eyes widened, and I realized they weren’t focused on me but rather something behind me. My gut churned with unease, and I glanced over my shoulder to see Lauren watching us.

She leaned against the doorframe looking composed and stunning, while I probably looked guilty as hell. I dropped Charlotte’s wrist and stepped toward Lauren, dread filling my every cell.

“Lauren, I—” I opened my mouth to explain, but she gave me a look that silenced me.

I didn’t know what to expect as she and Charlotte sized each other up like boxers entering the ring. Shit. This was so not good.

“Baby,” Lauren said, striding over to me. She wrapped her arm around my waist possessively. Then she titled her head back and looked at me with adoration. “You promised not to start without me.”

“Start…?” If she was playing a game, I wasn’t in on it. Though it certainly felt like some of our games. We’d go to a hotel bar and pretend to be strangers. All kinds of stuff.

“You know…” She leaned up on her toes and whispered in my ear, though her words were still loud enough to carry across the room to Charlotte. “Our threesome.”

Charlotte’s eyes widened, and she took a step back toward the door. “I think there must be some mistake.”

“I’ll say,” Lauren said, and I finally realized what she was doing.

I wanted to fucking kiss her for her brilliance. I’d told her all about Charlotte, and despite what she’d walked in on, she’d never once questioned my loyalty. Despite her trust issues, here she was defending me, defending our relationship.

She turned toward me and tapped my chest. “You promised this time we’d have a guy. I was really looking forward to trying the Eiffel Tower.” She pouted, and it took everything in me not to laugh.

“I, um, did you say the Eiffel Tower?” Charlotte’s brows pulled together.

Lauren turned to her with a devious smile. “I guess it doesn’t have to be two guys and a girl. As long as you’re fucking me from behind, Hunter, I don’t really care.”

Charlotte straightened, lifting her nose in the air. “I don’t share. Not my designer bags and certainly not my future husband.”

“Oh, honey,” Lauren laughed, though it sounded patronizing. “Didn’t you know? Hunter’s not the marrying type.”

“I don’t know what he’s told you,” Charlotte sneered. “But he’s a player, and he’ll break your heart.”

She spun and strode through the door, and I tried to push her words about me being a player from my mind. Her accusations hit a little too close to home, considering the situation with Mia.

I squeezed Lauren closer to me, needing reassurance that she was here. She was mine, even if I was keeping a huge secret from her.

She came to stand before me, and I finally got a good look at her. Her navy dress accentuated her curves. Despite the more conservative cut and sophisticated twist to her hair, she was still a bombshell. And the fact that she was so put together only made me even more determined to muss her up.

I spun her out. “Fuck, you’re sexy.”

“So you’re not disappointed?” she teased. “About the threesome,” she added when I continued to stare at her.

“Fuck no.” I grabbed her hips, pulling her to me, letting her feel how hard she made me. “The only person I want to have sex with is you. The only Eiffel Tower I want to visit is the one in France.”

I pressed my lips to hers, tempted to promise to take her there. I would—one day. But it was still too soon. If I mentioned it now, she’d freak.

“Thank you for trusting me. And for getting rid of Charlotte.”

“Oh my god. Did you see her face when I said, ‘threesome’?” She threw her head back and laughed.

Unable to resist, I kissed my way down her skin, delighting in the way her laughter turned to moans of pleasure. “I want you.”

“Hunter.” The way she said my name, breathless and panting, turned my already hard cock to steel. “We should get downstairs.”

“Not until I make you come,” I growled.

Her caramel eyes met mine, and I saw the way her desire warred with sense. I knew we should get back to the party, but I’d done my duty. I’d done everything my dad demanded and more. Didn’t I deserve some reward?

She bit back a smile, her eyes darting toward the door. “What if someone comes upstairs?”

I backed her toward the wall, my hands firmly planted on her hips. “Want me to lock the door?”

She shook her head, and I was already reaching for the hem of her dress. “Too suspicious.”

She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the closet. “In here.” The room was relatively dark and my senses were heightened. Every sound, every touch, every taste seemed magnified. Her lips were on mine, her hands searching for my zipper before she slid one inside my pants.

“No underwear?” she asked between kisses.

“Nope. What about you?” I slipped my hand beneath her skirt, caressing her smooth legs. “Tsk. Tsk.” I fingered the delicate scrap of lace. “Do you always have to be so defiant?” I teased.

“Yes,” she sighed as I circled her clit with my finger. “Yes. Yes, Hunter.”

Her nails dug into my suit jacket and she started pumping me faster. I knew she was on the verge of coming. Shit, I was on the verge of coming myself, but I waited until her inner walls started clenching to remove my fingers.

“You’re such a bastard,” she hissed in the dark, but underlying her annoyance was a playfulness I loved so much about her.

“You love it,” I said, nipping her neck.

She said nothing, but she didn’t have to. Her body told me everything I needed to know.

I slid her thong aside, quickly burying myself to the hilt. “Oh, fuck.” The word came out long and low. “Fuck, you feel amazing.”

She was so wet and tight and hot. I wrapped her leg around my waist, the angle allowing me to go even deeper. I wasn’t sure whether it was the dark room or the houseful of guests, but the sex had never felt so amazing.

At the sound of approaching voices, I pressed my finger to her lips. “Shh.”

She stilled, but when I thrusted again, harder, faster, she gasped, clinging to me like a lifeline. Her lips brushed against my ear. “Yes. Harder.”

We might be discovered at any moment, but that only seemed to make this even hotter. And I knew Lauren felt the same. It was evident in the way she tightened her grip on my neck. The way her breaths became short and sharp. And when she let out a string of curse words, I covered her mouth with mine, silencing her with a kiss. If anyone came to check out my closet, they were certainly going to get an eyeful.

And with the vision of me fucking Lauren in the closet in the middle of the party, I exploded. My muscles clenched, and I bit back a groan. Fuck.

I rested my forehead against hers, trying to get my heart under control. The party seemed so distant. And I was pretty sure whoever had been in my room had left. Still, I peeked my head out of the closet to confirm. The coast was clear.

“We should have closet sex more often. That felt amazing.” I pressed my lips to hers before she slid down my front.

I tucked myself back in my pants, and paused. “Oh shit.”

“What’s wrong?”

“We…” I cleared my throat and switched on the light, needing to see her face. “I forgot a condom.”

“You’re clean, right?” she asked, and I nodded. “I have an IUD. We’ll just be more careful next time.”

“Right. Because you can never be too careful.” I laughed, though it had an edge to it. My mind immediately jumped to Mia. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“Hey,” Lauren cooed, cupping my cheek. “You okay?”

I shook my head. This was the perfect opportunity to tell her about Mia, but…I couldn’t. We had a house full of guests, and I wanted to handle the conversation delicately, not blurt it out during our seven minutes in heaven.

“I’m great.” I forced a smile. “We should get back to the party.”

She watched me a moment longer but didn’t push it. She smoothed her hair, and inspected herself in the mirror. I joined her, straightening my tie while staring at my reflection. I didn’t like the man I saw in the mirror because that man was a liar. A fraud. A coward.

Maybe my father and I had more in common than I thought.