Fa-la-la-la Falling for
My Billionaire Boss
Chapter 1: Ava
“Knightingale is going to an event tonight. This could be our in, Ava. You need to get him to invite you as his date.”
“What?” I choked on my water, trying to make sense of Jason’s words. I shook my head. “I’m his assistant. There’s no way he’ll invite me.”
“Wear the short black skirt, and he will.”
“Ugh.” I punched Jason’s shoulder with a scowl. “Do you have to be such a pig?”
“All men are pigs. At least I’m honest about it.” He turned back to his computer, popping a chip in his mouth and crunching it loudly. “Just make it happen. It’s at Capra’s place.”
I rolled my eyes, but I knew he was right. About all of it. We’d been waiting nearly six months for a break like this. The deputy director had been on our asses lately for some progress, any progress. And a chance to gain access to Capra would be huge. “Fine.”
Trent Knight—aka Knightingale—had back-to-back meetings, and I didn’t see him the rest of the afternoon. I was busy combing through the latest auction catalogue when he emerged from his office. It was nearly five thirty, and most people had already headed out for the day. The only reason I was still here was because I didn’t leave until Trent Knight left.
“I’m going to an event tonight, and I’d like you to accompany me.” Trent’s deep, rich voice was as commanding as ever.
That had been easy. Almost too easy. I frowned.
“Aw.” I pouted, resting my chin in my hand. “Run out of women to date in Manhattan?” I couldn’t make it too easy on Trent. I couldn’t break character, even if it was becoming harder and harder to deny my attraction to him every day.
“Not yet. But this is a different kind of event.”
I finally turned my gaze to him, and I regretted it the moment I did. The man was arrogance and power wrapped into one sexy-as-sin package. His designer suit cost more than I earned in a month at the bureau. His eyes were more dazzling than any of the rare gems Knight Auctions sold. And his body was definitely a masterpiece worthy of being immortalized in sculpture.
Damn it, Ava. I shook my head and tried to focus on what he’d been saying. Something about an event that was “different”?
“What kind of event?”
“Not important.” He leaned in, placing his palm on my desk, his face closer to my own. He was eleven years older than me, without a gray hair in sight, though when he smiled, a few creases were visible at the corner of his eyes. They were sexy. “I need discretion. Someone I can trust.”
“You mean someone you can sue if they violate their NDA,” I corrected.
His expression told me I wasn’t wrong. He had a poker face to beat all the World Championship players, but I knew his tell. I’d spent too many hours watching him, and while I claimed I was just doing my job, I knew that was a lie. It was impossible not to watch him. Anytime he entered a room, all eyes were on him. He was magnetic.
And right now, he’d rubbed his right ear. A signal he was lying, despite all evidence to the contrary. The question was—what the hell was this event? I needed more info.
“So, is this a business meeting or…?”
“Something like that.” He shoved his hands into his pockets.
I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest. “You’re going to have to tell me more if you want me to go.”
“And risk spoiling all the fun?” His eyes glinted with mischief, and the deep timbre of his voice sent an unexpected rush of desire straight to my core. What the hell?
When I’d first learned of my assignment from the bureau, I’d found Trent attractive. Sexy. Who wouldn’t?
But he was off-limits.
He wasn’t a suspect, but he was part of an ongoing investigation. So, I’d pushed any feelings aside. I wasn’t going to fuck this up. Not after how hard I’d worked to get here—all the hours of training.
Over time, I’d become immune to Trent’s charms. The man had a knack for pushing my buttons. Not that I didn’t have the occasional fantasy about my boss. Though usually, it involved me telling him to take this job and shove it.
This time, I imagined doing that, but it was followed by him shoving me against the wall and taking me over and over again. I blinked a few times as if to clear the image from my mind. But I couldn’t ignore the way my body reacted to the idea.
“What?” I snapped my attention to him. This was a problem. Trent was compromising my ability to think clearly. To stay focused on the case.
“I need you,” he rasped.
I swallowed hard, taken aback by his words. By the blatant need in his eyes. Was he serious? Or was he just turning on the charm to get what he wanted? I was no stranger to con men in my line of work. Hell, I couldn’t seem to evade them in my personal life either.
My last boyfriend had been a piece of work. The implosion of our relationship had been a huge catalyst for me signing up to work for the FBI in the first place. I’d sworn to myself that I’d never let a man fool me again. I’d never let my heart compromise my head.
“And I’m going to need more information.” Mostly for Jason. As the lead on this case, he’d want to know what we were walking into, whether to organize backup. Logistics.
Trent folded his arms over his chest, which only emphasized his biceps. “Don’t you trust me?”
I did. At least, I wanted to. But my training had taught me to trust no one. Trust was dangerous. I needed to gain the trust of others, but I rarely gave it in return.
“You’re not taking me to a sex club, right?” I teased, mostly to throw Trent off and try to get more information.
I’d been scouted by a high-end sex club while I was in college. Some of my friends had taken jobs there to pay for their tuition. But no matter how badly I’d needed the money, I could never bring myself to do it.
Trent choked on a laugh, though his eyes went dark. “No. Jesus, Ava.” He dragged a hand through his hair. A rich brown color like the horse he owned. Sleek. Shiny. Expensive. “What kind of man do you take me for?”
I quirked an eyebrow. Did he really want me to answer?
Trent shook his head and straightened when the elevator chimed, though the corner of his mouth tipped up into a smile. “Come. I have a surprise for you. I invited a team of stylists to help you get ready for our date.”
Our date?
He was kidding, right? I tried to focus on the clue he’d given me instead. But my curiosity only grew as they invaded the space with their suitcases and rolling rack of designer dresses. What the hell?
He’d organized this? When? How? I glanced between him and the team, wondering what other details I’d missed lately. Fuck.
I narrowed my eyes at him but remained at my desk, returning my attention to my computer. “Oh please. We both know I’d never date you.”
He smirked. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
“Because you like a challenge.” It wasn’t a question, but he responded as if it were.
“Because I’m your boss, and that would be highly inappropriate.” Judging from his cocky expression, I’d played right into his hand. “That said, I need you tonight. Your ability to detect when someone is lying is one of your best assets, and I could use your opinion. In exchange, I’ll give you your year-end bonus early.”
I couldn’t say no. Not when we’d been working for so long to discover the person behind the forged wines. But I wasn’t sure saying yes was a good idea either.
“I’ll leave you to get ready,” he said, as his brother Wyatt waved him over to where he was waiting with Rob from the IT department.
The team introduced themselves. A makeup artist, hair stylist and assistant, and a personal stylist named Frederik, whom I immediately warmed to. As they swarmed me, issuing so many compliments, I wondered if this was what it was like to have money.
Frederik ushered me to an empty conference room down the hall where the rack of dresses was waiting. Dior. Versace. My head spun, and I had so many questions.
What kind of event was this?
Why was discretion required?
Who else would be there?
I was so busy trying to anticipate what would happen later, I barely noticed what Frederik had said to me.
“What was that?”
He smiled kindly, his perfectly white teeth brilliant against his dark skin. “I asked if you have a preference on color or designer.”
I shook my head, loving the sound of his British accent. “As long as the dress isn’t yellow or brown, we’re good.”
He laughed. “Oh honey, you could rock any color. You know that, right?”
“Perhaps.” I shrugged. “But those aren’t my favorite.”
“What color do you wear most of?”
“Black.” It was simple. Practical. Allowed me to blend in.
“Classic,” he said. “For tonight, though—” he placed his arm in mine “—I’m thinking something more festive. Perhaps with a little more color.”
I tilted my head. “Ah, yes. For tonight. And what type of event would that be?”
He shook his head and moved around me, grabbing dresses and holding them up before making a face and returning them to the rack. “I was told the evening is a surprise.”
I wanted to laugh. A surprise. Right. What was Trent up to?
I hated surprises. Surprises could be deadly.
“You can’t even give me a hint?” I asked, Frederik’s friendly demeanor putting me at ease.
“Nope.” He shook his head, his outfit as impeccable as his professionalism. “Not at the risk of offending one of my biggest clients. Besides…I’m sure you have nothing to worry about. I saw the way Mr. Knight was looking at you.”
“And how exactly was that?” I asked, shocked that he’d picked up on the tension even in such a brief interaction. I continued watching Frederik as he sorted through the dresses. He’d find one, only to cast it aside as if it were a paper towel, not a five-thousand-dollar cocktail dress.
“Like he wanted to eat you up and go back for seconds.”
I frowned, though I couldn’t deny the zing of excitement that raced through me at Frederik’s words. “You do realize he’s my boss, don’t you?” And part of an ongoing FBI investigation, I reminded myself.
“Mm, girl. Yas.” He waved his hand high in the air. “Get it.”
“No.” I rolled my eyes, though I couldn’t deny the idea was appealing. “I’m not going to ‘get it.’ This is a business function.”
“If you say so.”
But it was, wasn’t it? There was no way Trent was taking me on a real date, was he?
Frederik had me try on a few dresses. All of them were beautiful, but I wasn’t feeling them. Or maybe it was the entire situation I wasn’t feeling. Eyes on the prize, Ava. But as I slipped into another dress and out of my element, I wondered what I’d gotten myself into.
The more time I spent with Trent, the more I liked him, respected him. The harder it was to lie to him, even though I told myself it was for his own good.
“I have a good feeling about this one,” Frederik said. “I saved the best for last.”
The moment I slipped into the dress, I felt like a princess going to a ball. Okay, that was a little over the top, but I did feel like a different person. I was no longer FBI Special Agent Ava Kaminski. I was Ava, agent provocateur.
“Fuck. Yes,” Frederik said when I stepped out from behind the rack.
The lace cocktail dress had a bustier-style top with spaghetti straps. The material was the same color as my skin, with a red lace overlay that gave the illusion of nudity. But it was the back I loved, with its corset-style lacing and small slit. It was sexy and made me feel like a different person. Like I was living a different life.
“You don’t think it’s too much?” I asked as he went over to the rack of shoes.
He didn’t answer, instead placing a pair of rhinestone-covered Louboutins on the floor in front of me. I stepped into them, amazed by how well they hugged my skin.
He stood back, and his smile widened, nearly overtaking his face. “It’s fabulous. You’re perfect.” He went over to the rack and grabbed a bolero in the same red lace as the dress.
Frederik and I chatted while the hair and makeup team worked their magic. He was originally from outside Liverpool—from a small town like me—but he’d always wanted to live in New York. He told me about being a stylist, and we shared our favorite New York haunts.
“So, what’s your dream?” he asked.
My eyes were still closed as the makeup artist applied my eye shadow. “What tells you I’m not living it?”
“Please. Even from our brief interaction, I know that you’re smart. Ambitious. Something tells me this job is just a stepping-stone.”
He was perceptive, but I had to stick with my cover story. “What makes you think that?”
“Well, I did overhear part of your…negotiations with Mr. Knight. Damn, girl. I’ve never heard anyone speak to him like that.”
“Ha. That’s because everyone else is afraid of him.” Perhaps I would’ve been, too, if I hadn’t trained at Quantico. Trent Knight may have a reputation, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.
“Rightly so,” Frederik said. “He’s intimidating as fuck. Hot as, too.”
I wasn’t sure I’d laughed this much in a long time. I had friends at the bureau, but they were all so serious. “I like you, Frederik.”
We talked a while longer and ended up exchanging phone numbers. It was so nice to make a new friend who wasn’t connected to the FBI.
“We’re done,” the makeup artist said, stepping back. They’d curled my dark hair in loose waves then combed them out, but I hadn’t been allowed to see my reflection. Frederik insisted on having “a big reveal,” which only made me laugh. I barely knew him, but I sensed there was no use arguing.
I stood from the chair, and Frederik’s jaw dropped. “Oh damn.” He circled me. “Mr. Knight’s not going to know what hit him.” He clasped my shoulders and gently spun me to face the mirror.
I gasped. Holy shit. Maybe I am Cinderella.
Though my boss was no Prince Charming.
And this wasn’t a date. It was an assignment.
I had a job to do.
Chapter 2: Trent
The door to the conference room opened, causing the bells on the wreath to jingle. Next year, I was going to insist on no bells. Absolutely none. My sister Hazel claimed they were festive. Cheerful. What they were was fucking annoying.
“Mr. Knight?” Frederik asked.
“Yes.” I stood and smoothed my palms down my thighs.
After the meeting with Wyatt and Rob, I’d changed into a fresh suit. Frederik eyed me with appreciation, and I wondered if Ava would ever look at me like that. With such longing it could suck the air from the room. Most of the time, I was met with disdain, and I doubted tonight would be any different.
“We’re finished,” Frederik said. “I just wanted to make sure you were satisfied with the work before we head out.”
I nearly choked on a laugh at his slipup. I loved how he’d referred to Ava as “the work.” She’d hate that, even though the woman was a piece of work. Over the past six months, I’d vacillated between irritation and wanting to fuck her on every surface in my office. I kept everyone at arm’s length, but especially Ava. She was dangerous.
Even so, I’d underestimated her. She’d outlasted my expectations. And boy did I push her at times. But she never faltered. She had one of the strongest work ethics of anyone I’d ever met, rivaling my own.
Ava emerged from the conference room, and I nearly swallowed my tongue. Holy shit. The woman was hot. She typically dressed much more conservatively. But even in her plain black skirts and dress shirts, I knew she had a killer body beneath. I’d once seen her after she’d changed into leggings and a leotard for a dance class. Or, at least, I assumed it was a dance class.
Ever since then, I couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like to spread her legs apart and explore every inch of her body. Tight, pert breasts. A flat stomach. And legs so long she’d look at home on a runway.
And now, she was…a vision in a dress that looked more like lingerie. I wondered if she was naked beneath the knee-length gown. The material certainly gave the illusion of it.
I stepped closer, lured to her. The red lace material cupped her breasts, and her hair was in long, loose waves that made me want to touch it to see if it was as soft as it looked. I’d never seen her look so… Fuck. Fuck me. This is bad.
I’d invited her tonight because I needed her bullshit meter. She’d always impressed me with her knowledge of wines, but she could read people even better. Hell, half the time, I wondered if she could read my thoughts.
“Is everything to your liking, sir?” Frederik asked, reminding me that Ava and I weren’t alone.
“Very much so,” I said, unable to hide the desire from my voice as I met Ava’s eyes.
Her eyes seemed bluer tonight, rimmed with dark-brown eyeliner. She was sultry and alluring. And I puffed out my chest with satisfaction as her eyes roamed my form. Nice to know I wasn’t the only one affected.
“Enjoy your evening,” Frederik said.
“Thank you,” I said, my eyes never leaving Ava’s.
I watched as Frederik hugged Ava, surprised by the surge of jealousy that accompanied the friendly gesture. I knew Frederik preferred men, but I envied their easy familiarity. They’d only just met, and she treated him like an old friend. She’d never once acted like that with me.
Because you make it so easy to be friends.
I placed my hand on the small of her back, pressing gently in the direction of the elevator bank. “Shall we?”
She lifted a shoulder, perhaps resigned to the idea that I wasn’t going to give her any more information. “I suppose so.”
We took the elevator down to the ground floor, where my driver, Frank, was waiting outside. Large evergreens decorated with white and silver flanked the door, snowflakes swirling in the air.
Ava paused briefly when Frank opened the door for us, and I found her awkwardness endearing. Most of the women I dated expected such luxuries, but not Ava. Many times, I wondered if she actually despised my wealth more than me.
We rode through a few stoplights in silence before I said, “I should’ve asked if you had plans for tonight.”
She leaned back and ran a hand through her hair. “Why? You would’ve insisted I cancel them anyway.”
I chuckled, loving the fact that she didn’t hold back. “Come now. Am I really that terrible?”
The way she arched her brow gave me pause.
“There has to be something you like about me,” I teased. Though, really, I wanted to know.
She tapped a finger to her lips as she perused me from head to toe, her eyes growing hooded. Then she finally said, “I like that you started the Knight Family Foundation.”
I waved a hand through the air, disappointment washing through me. That was it? That had more to do with my money than me.
“Do you want to know something I like about you?” I asked, leaning in, lowering my voice. The way her chest rose and fell told me she was interested in my answer. So I said, “I like the way your cheeks flush when you get excited about a job well done.”
She swallowed, clearly taken aback by my response. But I wasn’t finished.
“I like the way you treat everyone in the office with respect and courtesy,” I said. “And I like the way you hum to yourself when you lose yourself in a task.”
She stilled, and for a moment, I wondered if she was holding her breath. Did she really have no idea how attracted I was to her? I took pains to hide it, but Ava was usually very perceptive.
Even so, I spent more time with Ava than anyone else. And she knew me, really knew me. It was part of her job to anticipate my needs, but it was more than that.
For the longest time, I’d tried to pass it off as the by-product of lust. I’d never acted on my feelings, hoping they would diminish with time. But the harder I fought it, the worse it was. If anything, my attraction to her had only grown stronger.
“You love your family, and you’d do anything for them,” she said. “I like that about you.”
I fiddled with my cuff link, though my chest warmed from her compliment. Knight Auctions wasn’t just a premier luxury auction company on par with Christie’s or Sotheby’s; it was a family-run business. It had been founded by my grandfather over sixty years ago, but it was my grandmother who was responsible for the vision and success.
After my parents’ unexpected death, my grandparents had raised my siblings and me. Grooming us to become their successors. As the eldest, I’d taken over when my grandparents decided to step down after my grandfather’s stroke.
I served as CEO and oversaw rare wines. My brother Henry was responsible for arts and antiquities. My sister Hazel handled jewelry, timepieces, and luxury accessories. Wyatt headed up the sports auctions. And Reese, luxury real estate.
In the four years since I’d taken over Knight Auctions, our profits had skyrocketed. Our reputation was unassailable, and the goods we sold were some of the most expensive and unique in the world. Even so, counterfeits were always a risk. And there was nothing I hated more than something that wasn’t what it purported to be.
Everyone had heard horror stories of forged paintings or ancient manuscripts, and while it happened with wine, it was less common. Or, at least, it had been in the past. With the technology these days, the forgers were becoming savvier about the blends they created. The reproduction of the labels, requiring greater scrutiny of the bottle, the paper the label was printed on, the contents. The devil was in the details, and none of them could be overlooked. Not with the amount of money—and our reputation—on the line.
“There will be some serious collectors there,” I said.
“So, you invited me to help sniff out the legitimate buyers.”
I nodded, though that was only part of it. I’d invited her because it was a holiday event and everyone expected me to bring a date. But with potential networking to be done, I wasn’t in the mood to babysit the type of woman I usually had on my arm. I wanted someone who could be an extra set of eyes and ears.
I also suspected this evening was an excuse to vet potential new members of the Bacchus Society, but that was mere speculation on my part. I’d never attended one of their events. It was by invitation only and highly exclusive.
Ava glanced out the window, the lights of the city shining on her smooth skin, making her shoes sparkle in the darkness. I wondered what she was thinking. And I was kicking myself for severely underestimating how distracting she’d be.
“Are you introducing me as your assistant or… something else?”
“As my date,” I said. “Which may require me to be more…affectionate than usual.”
“Affectionate?” She laughed. “You?”
I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, gratified by her sharp intake of breath. “I can be affectionate.” I trailed my finger down her jawline, watching as she swallowed hard. I imagined her swallowing me, and my cock started to harden.
“Is that going to be a problem?” I asked, hoping the answer was no.
She shook her head so quickly, I nearly laughed. But I was too entranced by her at the moment to attempt to decipher her reaction. Frank stopped the car, and I tried to mask my disappointment as I withdrew my hand.
As Ava and I walked into the lobby, heads turned, mostly to look at the woman on my arm. She was fucking gorgeous, and she was all mine. At least for the night.
I watched her as we rode the elevator—her wide eyes and parted lips. For not the first time, I wished I were the cause of it. Though her reaction earlier when I’d asked her if showing affection was acceptable was encouraging.
When the elevator doors opened at the penthouse level, I nuzzled the skin behind her ear, inhaling the scent of her perfume. It was floral and light, like the perfect summer day at my house in the Hamptons. Like freedom and desire. I wanted her.
“Thank you for coming.” My lips grazed her ear, and she shivered at my words and hopefully the promise contained in them.
“Trent,” Dominic said, coming to greet us. His penthouse was decked out for the holidays, a huge tree in the foyer, jazzy holiday music playing in the background. The entire home was modern and sleek. If not for the Christmas decorations, I would’ve cringed at how stark and cold everything was. This wasn’t a home; it was a museum.
“Dominic,” I said, handing him a bottle of wine from my personal collection. I’d been told it was the price of entry, and the shipping magnate was known for his expensive taste. “Thank you for inviting us.”
“My pleasure.” He grinned, beaming down at the label on the bottle. He was pleased by the vintage, but it was nothing compared to the way he looked at Ava. Like she was a gift he couldn’t wait to unwrap. “And who might this be?”
“This is Ava,” I said. “Ava, Dominic.”
He turned his megawatt grin on her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
We talked a moment longer before Dominic disappeared into the apartment with the wine in hand and Ava on his arm. I watched them go with clenched fists until someone clapped a hand on my shoulder. “Trent. How are you?”
I smoothed my face into a mask of indifference. “Wolfe. Good to see you. I didn’t expect you to be here.”
Jonathan Wolfe was a commercial real estate tycoon on the West Coast. A few years ago, he’d opened a New York office, only to sell his company not long after. Our paths had crossed a few times at various functions, including several of our auctions. He usually had a gorgeous woman on his arm, and tonight was no exception.
“This is my wife, Sumner.” He placed his hand on the small of her back.
She had long dark hair and looked younger. Significantly younger.
I’d heard rumors that this woman was the reason he’d sold his company. I didn’t pay much attention to gossip, though I was curious whether the story about Sumner being Wolfe’s best friend’s daughter was true. I knew she’d been his intern at some point, but I wasn’t one to judge. Hell—good for him.
“Nice to meet you,” I said to Sumner.
I lowered my voice, addressing Wolfe as another man I assumed was part of the Bacchus Society passed by. “I didn’t realize you were a wine man.”
Wolfe lifted a shoulder. “I much prefer whiskey.” He shared a secret smile with his wife, and I wondered what that was about. “But New York is special to us. And Sumner was invited to be the keynote speaker at a conference.”
We spoke for a while, and Ava was gone so long, I was about to go look for her when she finally returned with Dominic. Her cheeks were flushed, and I gnashed my teeth but forced a smile as everyone turned their attention to our host. Another couple joined the circle, and they introduced themselves. Eric Cartwright, heir to a pharmaceutical fortune, and Penelope Glasner, an aspiring author. Finally, it was announced that dinner was being served.
I took my seat next to Ava and leaned into her as the first course was served. “Have you been avoiding me?”
She kept her eyes straight ahead and smiled as she spoke out of the side of her mouth. “I didn’t take you for the jealous type.” She sipped her wine.
I scoffed and swirled my glass, noting the color of the liquid and the way it behaved in the glass. It was the one reassuring thing about this situation, because the way Ava made me feel was like nothing I’d experienced before. She was right—I wasn’t typically the jealous type. But when it came to her, all my usual rules seemed to fly out the window.
I tried to concentrate on the wine; it was the reason we were here after all. Bottle after bottle was poured, each course of the meal more lavish than the last. I would’ve expected nothing less from a man like Dominic Capra. Though, I still didn’t like the way he looked at Ava—like she was something to acquire. Something to possess. He collected beautiful women like he did his rare wine. Consuming one before moving on to the next.
When Ava smiled at something I said, I slid my hand onto her thigh, telling myself it was all part of the act. Her skin was covered with lace, but my hand burned from the touch. I lost track of time, and the more I drank, the more I wanted to kiss Ava, touch more than just the fabric encasing her beautiful body. But I couldn’t. Shouldn’t.
She was my assistant, but god was she tempting.
She was younger, but I didn’t care.
She was a pain in the ass, but I liked the way she stood up to me.
I needed her. Tonight—yes. But more importantly, tomorrow. She was good at her job, which was why I had to keep things professional. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself. But the longer the evening went on, the weaker the argument sounded.
Chapter 3: Ava
“Do you know why I invited you tonight?” Trent asked, his thigh pressed to mine. Our bodies aligned in the back seat of his town car. It had been nearly two in the morning when we’d stumbled out from the party. Snow was piling up along the sidewalks as big fat flakes continued to fall.
I ran a hand through my hair, the back seat suddenly feeling much smaller. Hotter. Trent’s presence overpowering me. “To cozy up to Capra so he’ll list some wine with us?”
He barked out a laugh. “No. Though you did a damn fine job of that. He expressed an interest in the upcoming auction.” His voice was tight, strangled. “Are you interested in him?”
I turned to face him, streetlights highlighting the angles of his jawline. Why did he have to be so damn handsome?
“Capra?” I shook my head. I was only interested in what he might be hiding, not that I could admit that to Trent. “No. I can’t stand a man who loves the sound of his own voice.”
“Don’t most men in his income bracket?” He leaned back against the seat, crossing one ankle over his knee. He seemed to be struggling with something, but I wasn’t sure what it was.
“Not you.”
Trent Knight was one of the richest men in Manhattan. In the world. If anyone had a right to brag, it was him. Much as he could be a pain in my ass, I respected the man. He may have inherited the company, but he worked hard. He was the driving force behind the auction house’s explosive growth over the past few years.
And I could’ve kissed him for tonight. For giving me an in to the Bacchus Society. It hadn’t been an official meeting, but it was certainly connected to the group. The guest list alone made that much clear, as had the caliber of wine that had been served.
Tonight had been huge for the investigation. The deputy director had expected more progress by now. Hell, we’d been trying to infiltrate the group for months but couldn’t secure an invite to the private tasting events. Until now. I’d even gotten to snoop around Dominic Capra’s home office, though it had required more flirting and flattery than I would’ve preferred.
Trent, though. I shook my head.
Nothing with him felt like an act. All evening, he’d been touching me, flirting with me. It was unexpected and surprisingly natural.
“Ava?” Trent prodded, his lips parting around my name. He wasn’t barking it like he often did in the office, but it sounded sensual, desire curling around the edges and luring me closer.
“Hm?” I hummed, imagining those lips on my skin. How much wine had I consumed?
“I asked if you had any other impressions from tonight?”
Apart from the feel of his hand on my thigh? His lips on my neck?
I glanced outside and tried to focus on his question.
“I liked Sumner a lot,” I said, thinking back on the raven-haired beauty. “She and Wolfe seem very much in love, though I get the impression it was hard-won.”
“How so?”
“Perhaps because of the age difference?” I rubbed a hand down my face. The day was catching up with me. The wine. My attempts to fight my attraction to this man. Surely he felt it too. “I don’t know.”
“She was his intern,” Trent said. “He wasn’t supposed to fall for her. He wasn’t supposed to want her.” He gripped his thigh, his movements jerky and rough as if he were holding himself back. “Though I can understand why he was willing to break the rules.”
Were we still talking about Sumner and Wolfe? Because the way Trent was looking at me… I shook my head, positive my mind was playing tricks on me.
Trent was my boss. He’d never been anything but professional. But tonight, I’d seen a different side to him. He’d been warm and affectionate. He’d made me believe it was a real date. Or maybe I’d just wanted it to be real.
In my line of work, intimacy was an occupational hazard. Perhaps it was nostalgia at the holidays or maybe it was the wine, but I was craving some affection. Some closeness that had been missing from my life the past few years.
Trent leaned closer, his gaze intense, as if he’d reached a decision. My entire body was attuned to him, cells vibrating, aching for his touch. “Come home with me.” His voice was low and laced with danger.
I wanted to, but there was my assignment to consider. Hell, maybe I should go home with him to gather more intel. I’d never been invited to his penthouse, and I had a feeling Jason would encourage me to pursue it. Or would he tell me I was compromising my integrity? My thoughts were muddled, and when Trent peeled my bolero aside, exposing my shoulder to his lips, my decision was made.
“Yes,” I sighed, not even caring that Frank might hear me. I doubted I’d be the first woman Trent had seduced in the back of his town car. And I certainly wouldn’t be the last. I simply needed to remember the endgame.
I gasped when Trent slid his hand up my thigh, goose bumps blazing a trail in its wake. The endgame was to take down whoever was responsible for these forgeries. But it was as if the party had given us an excuse to finally do what we’d wanted all along. I explored him through his pants, and he let out a low groan. We were kissing and panting, only breaking apart when we pulled up next to his building.
Who was I kidding? Going home with Trent had nothing to do with the investigation and everything to do with my desire for this man.
He placed his hand on my lower back as we walked past the holiday decorations toward the elevators. We were silent as we ascended to the penthouse, though the tension built with every floor we climbed like bubbles rising in a champagne flute. I was breathless when the doors opened once more, the skyline of Manhattan glittering through huge floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked Central Park. It was nothing like the cold, modern austerity of Capra’s place. It was ornate without being fussy. Tasteful and warm for such a large space.
A tree stood in the corner but there were no presents beneath it, and that struck me for some reason. The sadness of it. The emptiness.
The fireplace was topped with a tasteful fresh garland of evergreen. But no stockings. Nothing personal. And I wondered if—despite his large family—Trent was lonely.
I continued my perusal, scanning for potential security threats. A huge sliding door that appeared to lead to…was that a patio? Holy shit. I couldn’t even fathom how expensive a place like this would be.
Well, I could, actually. I knew from the file that he’d bought it for a cool thirty-five million. But still…seeing thumbnails on a computer screen didn’t compare to experiencing it in person. I didn’t belong in his home—in his life—any more than a used sofa found on the curb would belong in this carefully designed luxury penthouse.
I pushed away the thought and told myself I was here to do a job. To gather intel. I studied the items in his home while I tried to get my bearings. A Wedgwood vase. An antique clock. Everything seemed artfully designed to show off these masterpieces, but the owner was the true showpiece. Trent’s dark hair complemented his hazel brown eyes. And the way he looked in that suit was criminal.
“I believe you once called me insufferable,” he said, coming up behind me. My nerve endings tingled in anticipation.
“I did. And you are.” I turned to face him, my lips tilting into a smile. I’d only called him insufferable because he was so goddamn arrogant. Though, I’d since learned his confidence was warranted. And at the time, my frustration had been with the lack of progress on the case, not with him.
“Says the woman…” His nostrils flared, lips parting as he scanned me from head to toe. It was intense. Scorching. Like nothing I’d ever experienced from him or any man. “Who makes my life unbearable.”
Why him? Why did I have to be attracted to Trent Knight?
Why couldn’t I have fallen for a normal man with a normal job?
Not a billionaire who was part of my investigation.
Not my fake boss.
“If I’m so unbearable,” I panted, my chest tight. My breasts achy. “Why do you look like you want to fuck me ten ways to Sunday?”
This was more familiar. The banter. The tension.
“You didn’t let me finish.” He was so close our chests were nearly brushing. Electricity swirled between us like lightning gathering in the clouds in an impending thunderstorm. It was beautiful and dangerous. Destructive.
I wanted to ask him if he’d let me finish first. Or if he’d be a selfish lover like some of the men in my past. I wanted to know if he’d wreck me just like he supposedly had every other woman he’d been with.
“I was going to say that you make every day unbearable because all I can think about is what it would be like to touch you, kiss you.” He lifted his hand as if to caress my cheek but hesitated, searching my eyes.
“I do?” I swallowed hard. “I mean, you do?” I wasn’t making any sense.
I was a statue, immobile beneath his powerful gaze. Much as I loved to pretend to hate him at the office, I’d fantasized about this—him—so many times that tonight felt like an extension of those dreams. More akin to an alternate reality in some parallel universe than my life.
When he cupped my cheek, I melted into his touch. His voice was gravelly with want, and my body yearned for more. We’d been taunting, teasing at this the entire night.
He ran his nose along my cheekbone, and god, if my knees didn’t go weak. “You’ve become a distraction I can no longer ignore.”
Damn this man and his power over me. “Trent,” I whispered. “We…” I closed my eyes as he kissed his way down my neck, my body coming more alive with each and every place his lips touched my skin. “I…” I couldn’t find the words my brain demanded I speak because my body was too busy telling it to shut the fuck up.
“I want you,” he said, tracing my collarbone with the tips of his fingers. I shivered, and it was as if he’d flicked a light switch and my entire body had powered on. “I can’t fight this anymore. I don’t want to.”
“I—” I swallowed, electricity dancing along my skin from his touch. “Me neither.”
He slammed his lips to mine, pulling me close to him. Making me feel his arousal. I couldn’t get close to him fast enough. It was a race to undress, and we both fumbled with each other’s clothes. He started to claw at my dress—irritated, impatient, irrational.
When he struggled with the zipper on my dress, it was long enough for me to take a step back. “No. Wait.” I rubbed my lips. “Sleeping together would be a mistake. You’re my boss, for fuck’s sake.” And part of an ongoing investigation. What would my boss—my real boss at the FBI—think?
I backed away from him until I collided with the wall of windows. The glass was cold against my skin, but nothing could cool the desire surging through my veins.
He stalked toward me. “What happens here, between us, has nothing to do with what happens at the office.”
I scoffed. “Easy for you to say. You own the damn company.” And you have no idea who I really am.
“But I’m worthless without you.” He took my hands in his, his expression sincere. “Surely you know that.”
Professionally? Personally? It was all blurring together in my head.
Too much wine. Though it wasn’t alcohol but rather an overindulgence in lust that was clogging my brain. When he was touching me, I seemed to lose all reason. My brain had switched off to anything that didn’t involve this man.
He lifted my hand to his lips, kissing my fingertips with such reverence and gentleness, I just stood there. I would never have expected this softer side to him.
“Ava,” he rasped, turning my hand so my palm was facing him. He kissed the inside of my wrist, sparks dancing up my arm. “Fuck, you’re so gorgeous.”
My body said to hell with everything else. At the moment, my only thought was for this man. And what it would be like to indulge in this fantasy. As surprising as this was, it felt right. It felt like we’d somehow been building to this all along.
“Turn.” His voice was liquid need, and I felt that same desire echoed in my core. I spun so my back was to him, and this time, there was no resistance. He tugged the zipper down, releasing me from the dress. He gently pushed the straps over my shoulders, and I shimmied out of it, leaving me in only a nude lace thong and my heels.
I could hear his swallow, and it echoed throughout the space. “Oh fuck. You are a vision. Sit on the couch and spread your legs.”
I stepped out of the dress and took a seat on the couch as directed. Though he’d issued the command, the moment our eyes met, I knew I held all the power. I wondered if he could see the damp spot on my panties. Could sense the arousal and anticipation coursing through me.
Yet for all his impatience, he took his time perusing my body as if I were a bottle of fine wine he wanted to savor. Like the rare vintages we sold that could cost upward of $150,000.
“You’re incredible,” he said as he knelt before me. He splayed his large hands on my thighs, gently pushing them apart as he inspected every inch of me.
He kissed his way down my chest, sucking each of my nipples into his mouth. I wasn’t sure I’d ever been more turned on, my body desperate for him. He peeled my panties aside, his hazel eyes glistening in the dark like a jaguar intent on its prey. And then he devoured me—licking and sucking my clit while I gripped the cushions as if they’d save me.
“I want to taste your orgasm,” he said, nearly pushing me over the edge. “Come on my tongue.”
I clutched his head, pushing his face closer to where I needed him. And boy, did I need him. Fuck me, I’d never had someone pursue my pleasure with such a determined focus. I shuddered as the orgasm barreled through me, coming on so suddenly, it knocked the air from my lungs and the words from my lips. All I could do was open my mouth and lift my head to the sky, though I’d already died and gone to heaven.
Before I could catch my breath, Trent hauled me to his chest and carried me down the hall. He deposited me on a large bed before stripping out of his shirt. His eyes gleamed with excitement like they did when he discovered a particularly noteworthy bottle of wine. And I absolutely could not wait for him to consume me.
Chapter 4: Trent
I stripped out of my pants, kicking them aside but not before grabbing a condom from the nightstand. Ava eyed me greedily, drinking in my naked form as I gripped my shaft and sheathed my length.
“Wow.” Her voice was breathy. “You’re…even more beautiful than I imagined.”
I smirked. “So, you’ve been imagining me naked, huh?” Good to know I wasn’t alone. The past six months had been torture. Absolute. Fucking. Torture.
When she attempted to look away, I gripped her chin, forcing her gaze to mine. “Ava, you’re one of the few people who never lies to me. Don’t start now.”
It was one of the reasons I liked her. Apart from my family, everyone else was too busy kissing ass or trying to make a good impression. But not Ava. She always stood her ground with me. And while it could be annoying and inconvenient at times, it was also hot as fuck.
She nodded quickly, and then I kissed her. Her lips were so inviting, so supple. I could drown in her kisses, spend hours losing myself in them. I’d never felt that with anyone else—the desire for intimacy, connection, beyond the physical act of sex.
She pulled me on top of her, and I loved how we fit together. Her body so lithe but strong as she wrapped her legs around me. I kissed her again and then pushed myself up so I could drape her legs over my shoulders.
“Damn, you’re flexible,” I said, reveling in the way I could push her body. She was a marvel. The way she could bend and move, with such grace and power. “Incredible.”
I positioned myself at her entrance, teasing her with my tip. We were mesmerized as I disappeared inside her body, her eyes closing slowly with every inch.
“Oh fuck,” she gasped. “Trent.” She dug her heels into my back and her breathing was ragged, but otherwise, she remained still. She waited, her walls clenching around me, pulling me in, holding me close.
When our eyes met, I bent forward, dropping my forehead to hers. It was so…intense. And as we moved together, I hissed as I fought off my own release.
I wanted to memorize everything—the delicate curve of her neck, the flush of her skin, the tightening of her nipples. But every detail put me further over the edge, and I wasn’t ready for it to end.
The more I moved, the harder it was to hold back. Perspiration dripped down my back, and the bed shook from our exertions. But it only made us more desperate, frenzied. I’d wanted to take my time and enjoy this woman, but I seemed to lose all control when I was with her.
Her eyes clamped shut, her jaw going wide as she let out a string of unintelligible words. I rubbed her clit, watching her unravel as long as I could. And then I let loose—my thrusts harder and faster until I exploded. Spiraling. Swirling. Flying.
Heart still racing, I collapsed on top of her. Content. Satisfied.
“Fuck.” I rolled us to the side, unwilling to let her go. Gathering her to me as I tried to collect my thoughts. But only one word sprang to mind: wow.
Her dazed smile told me much the same. And despite how late it was, neither of us seemed in any rush to go to sleep. We discussed wine, and she asked me all sorts of questions about the wines I’d tried. Which were my favorite. We talked about Knight Auctions. About the others who worked there. It was sexy to have her share my passion for the company and the products we sold.
So sexy, I took her twice more in the night. Each time more amazing than the last. I didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, but I knew I wanted more of this with Ava.
It was barely light out when I woke. I reached for Ava, but the bed was empty. I frowned but relaxed when I saw her clothes on the floor.
I threw on a robe and went in search of her. I found her sipping coffee, my dress shirt skimming her thighs, as she overlooked the skyline. She was completely at ease, and it was as if she belonged here. With me. Her smooth skin was tantalizing, and I wanted to haul her back to me and take her again.
“You’re up early,” I said, my voice gravelly. It was Saturday morning, and the city was barely waking up. The auction house was closed, and I planned to spend the day enjoying her.
“Hm?” She turned to me and smiled, but I got the impression her mind was elsewhere. “Just thinking.”
“Just thinking,” she said and then turned her attention to the view once more.
I wrapped my arms around her, nuzzling into her neck. Her skin was still warm, and she smelled so good. “Stay with me.”
“Trent,” she sighed and set her mug on the coffee table. “Last night was a one-time thing.”
“It was definitely more than once.” I smirked, my dick twitching at the reminder of last night. Of all the times—and all the ways—I’d had her.
She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”
I lifted my arms, bracketing her against the wall of glass that overlooked Central Park. “We aren’t over, Ava.”
“We aren’t anything. Last night was a mistake. One I don’t intend to repeat.”
“But you want to.” It was clear from the way her skin flushed and her eyes darkened. She wanted me.
She dropped her chin to her chest, resignation in her tone. “Even if I did, it would be a bad idea.”
I smirked at her admission but smoothed my face into a mask before she lifted her head again.
“We’ve already crossed that line. Why deny ourselves something we both want?” I rested my forehead against hers, our breath mingling.
“Because it could jeopardize everything, including my job.”
“I have it on good authority that your boss is very pleased with your performance.”
She stiffened, and I didn’t understand her reaction. Should I not have mentioned work? Surely she knew I’d never let this affect her job. She ducked beneath my arm and stepped far enough to be out of my reach.
I frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“Trent.” She dropped her chin to her chest, and I stepped closer. “We…can’t.”
“What?” I wrapped my arms tight around her. “I mean it, Ava. I’m not done with you.”
“And when you are?” she asked. “What happens then?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “But I’d like to have the chance to find out what we could be.”
She seemed to soften, or maybe it was just hope that had me seeing what I wanted. But when her phone chimed, she jolted away from me as if she’d been shocked.
She glanced at her phone quickly before shutting it off. “I have to go. I have… I, um, I’m supposed to meet a friend for brunch.”
She quickly dressed, and then I wrapped one of my coats around her shoulders, overcome with an intense need to protect her. I pulled on the coat, tugging her lips to mine. Our tongues tangled, her smell infiltrating my nose. My cock started to harden again, and I loved it when she raked her nails down my chest.
“Trent,” she breathed. “Oh god.” This time more of a moan.
I brought her even closer so that our bodies were aligned, cupping her ass through the goose down. I needed more of her, of this. I wasn’t ready for it to end.
Someone cleared their throat, and Ava jumped back. “Oops,” Wyatt said loudly. “Didn’t realize you had company.”
“I was…” Ava wiped her lips, her cheeks coloring like my favorite French rosé. “…just leaving.”
Wyatt smirked but said nothing until the elevator doors had closed and Ava was gone.
“Dude.” He shook his head, and I wanted to wipe the shit-eating grin off his face. He had our father’s eyes but our mother’s smile.
“I don’t want to hear a single thing.” I held up a finger as if to silence him. “Not a damn thing, Wy. And you sure as hell better keep this to yourself.”
He chuckled and helped himself to some coffee. He was dressed in a pair of slacks and a goose down jacket that made me wonder what he’d been up to before coming here. Before he could drink the coffee, I stole the mug for myself. “Hey!”
“Hey yourself. My house. My coffee.” I took a sip, feeling marginally calmer, though all I wanted to do was chase after Ava. “Why are you even here anyway?”
“We have a problem,” he said, sipping from his own mug.
I took a seat on one of the barstools, and he joined me. “There was a security breach last night.”
I rubbed my face. “Another one?”
Wyatt nodded. “Yeah. I know. It sucks, but Rob has a few companies for us to consider.”
This was a nightmare. It was the second time in the span of a few months that our security had been breached. As far as we could tell, nothing had been stolen. Customer details were safe, but it was unnerving.
I hadn’t wanted to admit this before, but in the privacy of my home, I decided it might be time to mention it. “Do you think it could be someone who works for us?”
Wyatt scrunched up his face. “God, I hope not. I’d like to think we pay well enough that it’s not a temptation, but…” He lifted a shoulder. “I guess you never know.”
I nodded. “Agreed. But the first priority should be beefing up the system.”
“Absolutely.” We were both quiet a moment, drinking our coffee. “So…last night.”
I rolled my eyes and gave his shoulder a playful shove. “Fuck off, Wy.”
“I was just wondering if that’s the first time it’s happened.”
“First and, if Ava has her way, last.”
“Aw.” He rested his chin in his hand. “Did someone fail to meet expectations?”
“No, dickwad.” I grabbed his mug and poured the rest of his coffee down the drain. “She’s…skittish.”
“Gee. I wonder why.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Um, you’re her boss. Her job would be on the line if it blows up.”
“I promised that what happened between us will not affect her job in any way.”
“Mm-hmm. Sure. Keep telling yourself that.”
I let out a sigh. “Whatever, man. Just…keep your mouth shut.”
He mimed zipping his lips, but I knew he was right. It didn’t matter what I said; things were already different between Ava and me. And I didn’t want to go back to how they used to be. I couldn’t.
Chapter 5: Ava
I rushed out of Trent’s building, the chill nipping at the bare skin of my ankles like a small dog searching for a treat. I lifted my hand to hail a cab when someone grabbed my arm, dragging me into the shadows between the buildings. Acting on pure instinct, I leaped into action, pinning my assailant against the wall. I came face-to-face with Jason.
“What the hell?” I hissed, my heart racing.
I’d been dazed, distracted. My behavior had been reckless, and I was angrier at myself than anyone else. This wasn’t just about my safety; it was about the entire investigation.
“Where have you been?” he asked, rubbing his throat. “You’re not answering my calls. I thought you were going to meet me at the diner.”
Shit. How could I have forgotten?
I shook my head and straightened, hoping it would push away his concern as well. “I’m sorry. I…was following a lead for the case and lost track of time.”
He arched an eyebrow but didn’t ask me if I’d slept with Trent. “How was last night? Did you find any dirt on Knight?”
I shook my head. “I told you, he’s not involved.”
“I get the feeling your judgment may be compromised where Knight is concerned.”
“My judgment is fine, as is his integrity. But Capra is hiding something. I didn’t have long in his study, but I did get this.” I held up a flash drive with some files I’d been able to download during the party.
“Excellent.” Jason’s eyes gleamed, and he snatched it from my hand. “Good work, Ava.”
“Capra’s wine seemed legit or at least convincing enough to fool everyone at the party. But he could be using the authentic wines with guests and then passing off the forged ones at the auctions.”
“Not a bad theory,” Jason said. “Anything else?”
I shook my head. “No. I’m still trying to figure out if Capra has someone on the inside at Knight Auctions. And who that might be.”
“We don’t have much time,” he said, as if I needed the reminder. “The deputy director expects an update on Tuesday.”
“Yes. I’m aware,” I said before walking off.
I spent the rest of the day at home, reviewing everything I knew about the case. Dominic Capra was involved somehow—I was certain of it. Unfortunately, my gut instinct wasn’t the same as proof. I tried to evaluate it from every angle, but I still couldn’t prove that Capra had done anything wrong.
When Frederik texted later in the week, inviting me to a bar, I immediately said yes. I needed to let off some steam after the week I’d had. The meeting with the deputy director had been tense, to say the least. And I’d spent the past few days avoiding Trent—an almost impossible task, given my role as his assistant.
“So…how did it go last weekend?” Frederik asked as I polished off my second drink.
“It was… I slept with Trent,” I blurted, quickly covering my face with my hands. I was going to burst if I didn’t tell someone. I was keeping so many secrets as it was, and I didn’t want to hold this one in any longer.
“Mm. Girl, I don’t blame you. That man is fine. And I know he’s packing.”
“What?” I cleared my throat. “I mean, how?”
“I once measured him for a suit. And damn.”
I laughed, relieved Frederik wasn’t judging me for sleeping with my boss. If anything, he’d encouraged it.
“What’s the problem, then?” he asked.
“He’s my boss. And my life is…complicated.”
“Yeah, but was the sex bad?” he asked, completely brushing over the whole “my life is complicated” statement. Frederik probably assumed I had student loans or maybe an elderly parent I was supporting. Not that fact that I was working undercover for the FBI. Ugh. I really needed to work on compartmentalizing, as my supervisor at the bureau would say.
“No.” Far from it.
“It’s awkward now?”
I barked out a laugh and gulped down some more of my drink. “Awkward isn’t quite the word I’d use.” My cheeks flushed with heat. Trent had been nothing but cordial and professional at the office, just as he’d promised. Though I could feel his heated gaze following me wherever I went, and I liked it. Craved it, just like I craved his touch. “I just…” I screwed up my face. “I feel like such a cliché.”
And seriously, what were the other agents going to think? This wasn’t just about being a cliché; it was about my reputation in the field. Were they going to expect that I’d screw anyone for information? And why did the idea of sleeping with anyone but Trent make my stomach clench? We’d slept together once. Once. Okay…more than once if you counted each orgasm, but that wasn’t the point!
“Who the fuck cares,” Frederik asked, interrupting my internal freak-out, “when you’re banging a hot billionaire? I say, lean into it.” He lifted his glass in the air, and I did the same. “Hell. Blame it on the holiday spirits.” He winked.
I wanted to agree, but Frederik didn’t understand because I was lying to him. I was lying to everyone. Trent wanted a future—or, at least, the chance to explore the possibilities. But a relationship was built on trust. And I’d lied to him from the start.
The closer we got to Christmas, the more my anxiety over the situation grew. Jason and the deputy director finally agreed that Trent wasn’t involved, but we were concerned about Trent’s safety after a break-in at the auction house. I used it to justify going home with Trent, telling myself it was for his safety.
Yet another lie.
For the next week and a half, I spent my days posing as Trent’s assistant, while searching for information on the forgeries. I spent my nights in his bed, in his arms, wishing it would never end, all the while knowing it would. Everything good ultimately did.
We’d just finished another round of the most amazing sex and were cuddled up beside his giant fireplace on a fluffy rug.
“What are you thinking about?” Trent asked, tracing patterns on my skin.
“Dominic Capra.”
He stilled. “Why are you thinking about another man when you’re with me?” His tone was teasing, but I could hear the sincerity there too.
“I just wondered how well you know him.”
Trent sighed and rolled onto his back, and I snuggled into his side. “I met him a few years ago. He lived overseas before then—Greece or the Riviera, I think. I don’t know him all that well. I’m not sure anyone does, to be honest.”
“Where does his money come from?”
“He’s the heir to a shipping empire.”
I nodded. It was the same story I’d heard over and over. There was something very consistent about it. Something almost…predictable. The details never changed, no matter who you asked. It was as if they were reciting a script—the script Capra had provided, no doubt.
“What’s with all the questions about Capra?”
“Did you approve his upcoming listing?” I asked.
“Of course. I personally approve all the large listings. Why?”
I smoothed a hand over his chest, intent on keeping him relaxed. Keeping him talking. “Something doesn’t sit right about it.” I’d been dropping more hints lately. Subtly trying to gather more information from Trent. Jason wouldn’t have been happy about it if he’d known, so I hadn’t told him. I was only trying to do my job, even if I was secretly more concerned with protecting Trent and Knight Auctions.
Trent turned me so I was facing him, a scowl marring his perfect face. “Like what?”
“I don’t know,” I sighed. “I just… There are some discrepancies.”
“I haven’t heard of any concerns from the team.”
“Yeah, but I just… My gut tells me something is off.”
He frowned. “It’s late. We’ve both been working long hours. You should leave the wine to the experts.”
I was so close to lashing out and telling him I was an expert, but it wouldn’t help. It didn’t matter. Eventually, we headed to bed, and it wasn’t long before Trent fell asleep. I lay there a long time listening to his breathing before slipping into one of his dress shirts and sneaking out to his office.
I hated the fact that I felt the need to snoop, but I had a duty to figure out what was going on. I didn’t want to believe Trent was involved, but it was clear that someone on the inside of Knight Auctions was helping pass off the forged wines as genuine. It wouldn’t have been the first time my feelings about a man had blinded me to his true nature.
The deputy director was breathing down our necks. Trent had invited me to his family’s Christmas celebration. And I just wanted… I stilled when I heard the creak of a floorboard.
I crept across the office so I was positioned behind the door. A few minutes later, someone entered the room, dressed all in black. I held my breath and watched them a moment before pouncing. They let out a surprised yelp as I tackled them to the floor.
We wrestled for control, and Trent burst into the room half naked. “What the— Ava? Get off her!”
I used the distraction to my advantage and gained the upper hand in the struggle. I pinned the intruder to the floor, wondering how he’d been able to slip past Trent’s security unnoticed. The intruder grunted and tried to escape, but I wouldn’t let him.
“Do you have a zip tie?” I asked Trent when he stood there, staring at me, unblinking. “Trent,” I barked. “Get a zip tie and my phone. Now.”
He rushed out of the room and quickly returned with my phone and some duct tape. That would do for now. I bound the intruder’s wrists together and removed their balaclava.
“Rob?” Trent and I asked at the same time.
He worked in the IT department at Knight Auctions. Jason and I had looked into everyone, but we’d concentrated our efforts on the people we considered most likely—those with the necessary expertise and more of a direct role in the rare wine department. But now that I knew Rob was involved, some of the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.
I called Jason, my eyes darting between Trent’s clenched fists and Rob’s contrite expression. And then it was chaos. Jason and the team arrived to question Rob. Agents swarmed the penthouse, and I tried to ignore the curious gazes cast at my attire. There was no hiding the fact that I’d been sleeping with Trent, considering I was wearing only one of his button-down shirts. I was positive the deputy director would hear about this. Great.
It wasn’t until the team left and we were finally alone that Trent said, “I can’t believe you lied to me.” He shook his head, rubbing a hand over his chin. “All this time…”
“I didn’t want to,” I said, and I meant it. It had been the hardest part of my job, and I’d hated it. “But I also never expected to fall for you.”
He scoffed. “Right.” He drew in a deep breath. “Ava, do us both a favor and get the fuck out.”
I took a few steps forward and lifted my hand as if to touch him, before thinking better of it. Trent and I hadn’t been together long, but it had felt like the start of something special. Something real.
“Trent, please. I was trying to help you.”
Yes, it had started out as an investigation. And of course, I was motivated to find the forger and seek justice. But over time, my priority had become protecting Trent. I’d put my reputation on the line to be with him. I’d risked my job—my real job with the FBI—for Trent.
He shook his head, regret written in his eyes. “You can stop pretending now.”
“I’m not pretending. I never was when it came to my feelings for you.”
“Just get out. Leave.” His words stung, and I felt foolish for ever admitting how I felt about him.
I dropped my head and gathered my things, feeling like a failure. It didn’t matter that Rob had confessed to the forgeries and implicated Capra as his business partner, I’d ruined everything with Trent. And now it was over—the case and us.
I should’ve known better.
Chapter 6: Trent
“What’s up with you tonight?” Hazel asked as waiters circulated with trays of champagne.
“Nothing.” I gulped down mine, not even caring to stop and savor the flavors.
We were surrounded by family and friends—except the one person I really wanted to see. I hadn’t spoken to Ava since that night in my penthouse when she’d tackled Rob from IT. I wasn’t sure which was more disturbing—the fact that a trusted employee had lied to me and used my family’s company to defraud buyers. Or the idea that Ava was actually an FBI agent who’d been working undercover the whole time.
No matter how you viewed the situation, one thing had become painfully clear—I was easily duped.
I knew I should be more concerned about Rob’s role in the forgeries, but I was more troubled by how everything had gone down with Ava. That was what kept me up at night. Not Rob’s lies, but Ava’s.
I’d tried to forget about her since. But every time I’d pass her old desk or get a whiff of her perfume on my sheets, I’d think of her. Hell, she was rarely far from my thoughts. But it had all been a lie.
The connection. The conversation.
Now I knew that she’d just been doing her job, getting close to me so she could gather intel. But it had all felt so real. She’d even said it was real for her, but that was only after the truth had come out. I sighed and set my glass on a table before grabbing another.
“Still moping about Ava, I see,” Wyatt said, joining us.
I rolled my eyes. “I don’t mope.”
“I can’t believe your assistant was an undercover FBI agent,” Reese chimed in. “Dude, that’s hot.”
She was hot. But that didn’t change the fact that she’d lied. I let out a deep sigh. I wasn’t just angry at Ava; I was mad at myself. How had I allowed myself to be so…fooled? My family—this company—relied on me. And I’d jeopardized everyone and everything because of a woman.
Every day, I glared at the damn rug by my fireplace…the tree barren of gifts except the one I’d bought for her. The one I’d since hidden in my dresser since it would never reach its intended recipient.
“Oh boy.” Henry looped his arm around my shoulder. “You’ve got it bad for her, don’t you?”
I gnashed my teeth. “Would you guys please shut up about Ava?”
“She saved our reputation,” Grandmother said, joining us. “And, personal issues aside, she deserves our gratitude.”
My siblings dispersed, leaving me alone with Grandmother. Jerks.
“Trent, honey.” She wrapped her arm around my shoulder. “I know Ava deceived you, but surely you can understand that she had her reasons.”
I let out a sigh. Grandmother was right, even if I didn’t want to admit it.
“You were so happy when she was around. Happier than I’ve seen you in years. She’s good for you.” Her approval of Ava spoke volumes, but it didn’t matter. Not anymore.
“It’s over, Grandmother.” Ava had warned me, and I should’ve listened.
“Are you sure about that?” She gave me a warm smile then tilted her head in the direction of a woman in a red silk dress. Grandmother patted me on the shoulder before walking away.
The moment my eyes locked with Ava’s, I knew my grandmother was right. Things between Ava and me were unresolved. My pride had kept me from admitting the truth of my feelings for her. But my parents’ death had taught me not to live with regrets. And I regretted what had happened between us.
I crossed the room to where Ava stood, ignoring anyone who tried to stop me to talk. I was a man on a mission. And I was intent on the woman in the sexy red dress with the long brown hair and even longer legs.
When I was with her, everything and everyone else faded into the background. “Hi.”
“Hi.” She dipped her head, and suddenly she seemed so shy. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be happy to see me, but I had to come.”
“I’m glad you did. And I’m sorry for how I reacted before,” I said. “I was embarrassed.”
She tilted her head, expression softening. “Why?”
“Because I’m the leader of the wine division, of this company, and I was scammed.”
Her expression softened, and she placed her hand on my arm. “You’re not the only one who feels that way. Capra conned a lot of people.”
“I know, but then there’s you… I just,” I sighed, and she took a step back as if sensing my inner turmoil. “I trusted you.”
“I’m sorry,” she said, her expression contrite. “Truly. I never wanted to keep anything from you.”
Even without her saying that, I’d known it was true. And I was grateful to her for all she’d done. “I understand why you did it. Thank you for protecting Knight Auctions.”
“I didn’t do it for the company. I did it for you.”
I nodded. Seeing her tonight made me remember how intense everything was between us. How amazing. “I just wish there was a way for us to have a fresh start.”
She considered it a moment then smiled and held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Ava, and I work for the FBI.”
I took her hand, and I felt that frisson of energy I always did when we touched. It was both familiar and exciting. And while I knew we couldn’t actually start over, I wanted to try.
“Hi, I’m Trent, and that’s hot.” I flashed her a mischievous smile then leaned in. “I have something to confess.”
“I, um—” She bit back a smile, her red lips so tantalizing. “Should I give you a Miranda warning?” she teased.
“Oh…” I rocked on my heels. “I think it’s a little late for that. Besides, this confession is completely voluntary. But should you feel the need to bring out the handcuffs later, I wouldn’t be opposed.”
She laughed, and something in me lightened. The wine forgers had been caught, and we’d instituted new policies. But more importantly, Ava was back in my life with her sexy smirk. And despite everything, I trusted her.
“You’re going to let me restrain you?” she asked, stepping closer. The rustle of her silk dress had me imagining all her luscious skin beneath the material.
“Fuck no. Though I do owe you an apology.” I wrapped my arm around her waist, unable to resist touching her. I’d waited long enough. We’d said what we needed to.
“And a bonus.” She grinned. “Not that I could accept it.”
I pulled her closer, her soft against my hard as we swayed to the music. “I’ll give you a bonus, all right,” I murmured, my lips hovering over her neck.
Even with all the other noise, I could hear her swallow. And it pushed me over the edge. I slanted my mouth over hers, caressing, coaxing, claiming this woman. With Ava by my side, everything settled into its rightful place.
The kiss didn’t last nearly long enough, our reunion cut short by the sound of hoots and hollers. I glared at my siblings.
“Ignore those idiots,” I said loudly, loud enough for them to hear. Ava’s cheeks flushed with color. And then just to her, I said, “Want to get out of here?”
“What? Now?” She glanced around, as if someone would try to stop us. The idea was laughable.
“Yeah, now.” I grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the exit.
“But…your family. The party…”
“Pretty sure they’ll be celebrating. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d placed wagers on how long we’d make it before ducking out.”
“Oh god.” She moaned. “The idea is mortifying.”
“Welcome to the Knight family,” I teased, relieved when the elevator doors closed, giving us some much-needed privacy.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine. Like a bottle of rare wine that was best when improved with age, I knew our relationship would continue to change over time. It would continue to ripen and mature, and I absolutely couldn’t not wait to savor life with her.
Curious if the rumors about Sumner and Wolfe are true?
Check out their story in Inevitable. It’s a best friend’s daughter, age gap, workplace romance; a passionate story about falling for the wrong person.