When You’re Ready:
Perspective Extended Epilogue

This bonus scene takes place after the conclusion of Perspective and contains spoilers. It’s not necessary to read Perspective first, though it is highly recommended.

“Oh god.” The girl next to me covered her mouth, cheeks bulging. “I think I’m going to be sick.” She dashed off, her heels clicking against the concrete floor.

The woman standing on my other side cringed. “Yikes. I sure hope her artist has a backup model.” She smoothed her hand over her baby bump, which was larger than mine.

“How far along are you?” I asked, wanting a distraction from what was coming.

“Twenty-nine weeks. You?”

“Twenty-four.” The silky material of my robe was smooth beneath my palm. Hey, Squirt.

“Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

I shook my head, though it was a lie. “Not yet. We’re actually headed to the gender-reveal party after this. You?”

When the sonogram technician had asked earlier, I’d blurted, “Yes!” I hadn’t meant to—we’d agreed it would be a fun surprise. But I just… I was so excited, I couldn’t stand it. And then after she’d told me, I was nearly bursting with excitement, but I couldn’t exactly tell anyone. But then my best friend, Brie, had called. And she could tell something was up. I’d blurted the gender to her, and now…she knew, but Xander didn’t. Keeping it from him felt like a lie, something I’d sworn never to do again.

“Another boy,” she said, interrupting my internal freak-out. At least I wasn’t focused on the fact that I’d be standing half naked in front of a group in less than ten minutes. What had I been thinking?

“Oh,” I said, trying to find a suitable response. “I take it he isn’t your first?”


“Four?” I choked. “I’m sorry.” I laughed, my cheeks heating. “I’m just not sure how you do it. I’m exhausted from this one, and I haven’t even had him.” I cringed at the slip, even though I figured she’d assume I was speaking generally about the baby. Not about my son.

She laughed. “Right? It must be the studio makeup. Otherwise, you’d see the dark circles.” We shared a smile, and then she asked, “Who are you posing for?”

“Alexander Kline.”

Her eyes went wide. “The Alexander Kline?”

My lips parted in a smile, chest puffing with pride. “The one and only.”

“Wait…” She paused. “Are you…” She tilted her head to the side. “Kate Pruitt, right? I read an article about the two of you in the LA Times.”

I felt my cheeks heat, but I nodded. The past few years, I’d been gaining more recognition both for my work with Xander and my solo pieces. Occasionally, people would stop us on the street, but it was rare. But here? Though this was an art competition, it wasn’t the type Xander or I typically participated in. And it had taken a lot of convincing—by both Theo and me—to get Xander to agree. Even now, I knew he had reservations.

A man with a headset came to join us. “We’re on in three, ladies. Everyone remember where they’re supposed to go?”

I nodded in unison with the other models.

“Wait.” He scanned us. “Who’s missing?” He glanced at his tablet, then asked, “Where’s Ashley?”

“She ran to the restroom,” someone said.

He huffed and sped down the hall in that direction, muttering to himself or talking into his headset—which, I wasn’t sure. A minute later, he returned, ushering a very reluctant and very pregnant Ashley toward the group.

“All right, ladies. It’s time.”

The curtain was pulled open, and I followed the others into the art room. Everything was so shiny and well organized, the surfaces gleaming. People surrounded the perimeter, cameras hovering overhead.

I smiled, pushing back my shoulders as I headed for Xander’s station. He was already there waiting, a scowl marring his handsome face. When he glanced up at me, the corner of his mouth tilted upward briefly before returning to the scowl, though this time, it was directed at my black silk robe.

“Hey.” I grinned, pressing my lips to his cheek.

“Angel,” he ground out. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”

“Oh, come on.” I nudged him with my elbow. “It’ll be fun. Plus, it’s for a good cause.”

The body-painting competition had invited guest artists on to the show for a special pregnancy episode. In exchange, they would donate $20,000 to the winner’s charity of choice. Some of the other contestants had chosen organizations like March of Dimes or Every Mother Counts—all worthy causes. After learning about the disparities between maternal care and outcomes for Black women, I’d been horrified. I’d wanted to help, and while I’d been discussing it with my dad, a senator, I knew it wasn’t enough. Which was why I’d selected the Black Mamas Matter Alliance.

“Good cause?” Xander scoffed. “You’re going to be naked in front of—” He clenched his jaw. “I don’t want to think about how many people. I’ll donate the money myself.”

“Not naked,” I reminded him, careful to keep my voice low. “I’ll have on leggings and pasties plus the paint you’ll add.” When he grumbled, I said, “Which is more than I was wearing the first time we met.”

“Fucking hell, Kate.” He dragged a hand through his hair. “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

I giggled. “Um, no. I need my baby daddy.” I winked, desperate for his kiss, his touch. He’d been in New York the past few days, and I was starved for him.

He smoothed his hands over my stomach, resting them protectively on my sides. “I love you,” he said, pressing a kiss to my belly. “You and your crazy mama.”

My nose stung from his sweet words and the doting look he gave me, but I smiled instead. “You better get started.” I jerked my chin in the direction of one of the other teams. The artist was already nearly done applying the base coat, and someone had just called out an update on the time remaining.

Xander clenched and unclenched his fists but then headed for the supplies. Now my nerves were settling in, but I’d put us on this course. And I was determined to see it through.

He returned with paint in a variety of colors. Even though he’d seen me naked countless times, and I’d posed for him, this was different. He’d never painted directly on my skin, using it as a canvas. And we’d never had such a large audience, even if most of it was the production crew. Still, the fact that millions of people—my parents—might watch the competition when it aired had my heart racing and skin breaking out in sweat.

He stared at me, his gaze intense. “When you’re ready, please disrobe.”

Was he… Had he intentionally just used the same words he’d uttered the first time we met?

His expression betrayed nothing. And just like the first time I’d posed for him, I focused completely on the man before me. I kept my gaze pinned on him, attempting to block out everyone else in the room. It wasn’t difficult—Xander was as captivating as ever.

“Kate?” He furrowed his brow. “You okay?” His hand was light on my arm, and my skin tingled from his touch.

I nodded. “I’m ready.”

With shaking hands, I untied the belt of my robe. It’s just him and me. The baby gave a little kick, and I laughed. And Squirt, I thought, as if I needed the reminder.

Xander scanned my body hungrily. “Fuck,” he hissed, eyes flaring with desire.

My attention darted to his crotch, and I smirked when he attempted to adjust himself discreetly. I inhaled a deep breath, letting it go as he stepped closer. I got a hit of his scent—leather and charcoal. It was both intoxicating and comforting, and it grounded me, giving me a sense of home, familiarity.

“You’re just as perfect as the first time I saw you,” he rasped.

My skin heated from his words, his look. And then something cold brushed against me, and I blinked rapidly. A riot of sensations danced through me as Xander painted my skin—hot, cold, desire, restraint. Every movement of the brush was like a caress.

“Is it cold?”

I nodded before realizing his attention was focused on my shoulders and cleavage. “Yes, but it’s okay. I feel quite…warm.”

He chuckled, the deep, rich sound threading its way through my belly. My nipples strained against the pasties, and I feared they wouldn’t hold.

“What design did you decide to go with?” I asked, needing a distraction.

I’d seen some of his preliminary sketches but wasn’t sure which direction he intended to go. It could be anything, considering the competition only had a few stipulations. The model’s torso had to be covered entirely with paint. The design had to be original and relate to the theme of motherhood. And the artist had to complete the challenge in two and a half hours. Though it sounded like a lot of time, it really wasn’t.

“It’s a surprise. Just like you, Squirt.” He addressed my stomach before glancing briefly at me. “Are you excited to find out whether the baby is a girl or a boy?”

He’d given me the perfect opening. Yet, I swallowed back the words begging to escape. I nodded, unsure whether I should tell him. This didn’t really seem like the time or place. And while the gender-reveal party was this evening, I felt bad keeping the secret from him for even a few hours. It felt less like a secret and more like a lie.


I forced a smile, batting my eyes. “Can’t you give me a hint about the design? Please.”

He shook his head, continuing his work.

“Seriously?” I asked. And when he continued to hold firm, I pouted.

“Put that lip away,” he growled. “Otherwise, we’re definitely not finishing the competition.”

I inhaled sharply when he gripped one of my hips in warning. “Okay. I’ll be quiet and let you concentrate.”

He continued painting but said, “I like talking to you while I paint. You know that.”

I nodded, thinking how rare it was for us to paint alone. We thrived off each other, off the creative energy that seemed to inhabit any space we shared. This was different, but I still felt that thrum of passion—for each other and art.

“How’s the baby? How’d the appointment go? I’m sorry I couldn’t be there.” He peered up at me, his blue eyes sad, but also…tired.

When his flight had been delayed, I’d had to go without him. I was disappointed, but I understood. I knew how hard he was working and how much he’d wanted to be there. My stomach churned. Another opportunity to fess up and tell him. Another lie.

“It’s okay.” I lifted a shoulder. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but more and more of my skin cooled and then tightened as the paint dried. “I’m so excited for you—the New York show is going to be amazing. And the baby is good. The doctor said Squirt is growing nicely.”

“You feeling okay? Theo said you didn’t eat much at family dinner.”

I let out a sigh, stopping myself before I placed my hand on my stomach and ruined all of Xander’s hard work. I couldn’t believe his brother had ratted me out, but what did I expect—they were twins. Half the time, I was convinced they could communicate telepathically.

I lowered my voice, not wanting the camera microphones to pick up what I was going to say. “I’m not the biggest fan of shepherd’s pie.”

He chuckled. “Neither am I. At least, not the way my mom makes it.”

“Besides, I’d eaten a big lunch.”

He chuckled. “Way to plan ahead, babe.”

I laughed, my stomach shaking slightly from the movement. He knew me well. Me—and his mom’s cooking.

“Theo was worried about you. And you know he’s happy to help when I’m out of town.”

“I know.” I softened. My entire life, my mom had monitored my eating for the opposite reason. It was nice to know Xander’s family cared, even if it could be a bit much at times. “And I appreciate it. Though I’d always rather have you.”

He kept his eyes on his task but said, “Once the baby’s born, I won’t travel so much. I promise.”

I nodded, though I had my concerns. In the past few years, Xander’s career had really taken off again. All his fears after his skiing accident seemed to have been unfounded. If anything, everyone seemed to like his new style even more. Which was great, truly. Both financially and professionally, it was amazing. But it meant he was in demand—he was traveling for shows and still teaching at Los Angeles College of Art and Design.

My star had also been on the rise, but I didn’t know what would happen now that I was pregnant. Despite how excited I was about the baby, Squirt had been a surprise. A happy surprise, but…it wasn’t the best timing. I was twenty-three, on the cusp of graduating from LA CAD. Xander and I had been together for a few years. While we’d discussed kids, it had only ever been in future terms. And while we were doing our best to have it all, make it all work—eventually, something would have to give.

Success came at a price, and that was often family. I’d seen what putting your career first did to a relationship. And I’d vowed never to be like my parents. Our relationship had improved the past few years, but that was only after several months of not speaking. Once I finally stood up for myself and what I wanted, once they realized they could no longer control me, things had gradually started to get better. Even now, it wasn’t always easy.

And as passionate as I was about art, my relationship with Xander mattered more. Being there for my family mattered more. Already, I’d had to scale back my commitments, but Xander seemed to have ramped up his. He was traveling more than ever, staying up later, all while still teaching. I didn’t know how he did it now, let alone how he could maintain his current pace with a newborn.

I’d missed him, and I knew our already scarce alone time would be nonexistent once Squirt was born. It was why I’d begged Xander to do the body art competition with me. Creating, art, were our passions. It had first ignited our spark. And I was thrilled to be raising awareness for —and hopefully funding—an amazing charity as well.

“Halfway through,” someone shouted, and I wondered where the time had gone.

“You’re awfully quiet,” Xander said, though he was so focused on his design, I didn’t want to break his concentration by answering.

“Just in awe of you.” I smiled down at him. “And trying to let you work your magic. Let the muse come to you.”

He peered up at me with those cerulean eyes. “You are my muse. My everything. You know that, right?”

I nodded, but still…it hadn’t felt like it lately. He’d been distracted, distant. I secretly feared he was having second thoughts about our future. Even though I told myself it was ridiculous, it niggled at me.

“I had lunch with my mom today,” I said.

He jerked his head up. “You did? How’d that go?”

“Surprisingly good. Aside from a few comments about my fashion choices, she seemed happy. I think she’s genuinely excited about the baby.”

“That, and she’s probably relieved your dad announced he wasn’t going to run for another term.”

I laughed. “That too. I think we all are.”

“Does she know about this?” he asked, pausing long enough to look up at me, brush in hand.

I flashed him a bright smile which meant “No.”

“Kate…” he chided, understanding my silence.

“Whose side are you on anyway?” I teased.

“And Hunter?”

I cringed, dreading my brother’s reaction more than my parents’. Still…I was my own woman, and I made my own decisions. Besides, I knew Hunter’s girlfriend, Lauren, would have my back.

“Thirty minutes,” someone called, and the tension in the room seemed to ratchet up another notch. Across the room, one of the other artists sprinted to grab a supply.

Time was running out—on this competition, my pregnancy, everything. The fact that Xander and I still hadn’t sorted out our living situation weighed heavily on my mind. As much as I loved the loft, it wasn’t practical with a baby.


“Yeah?” I asked, staring down at his dark curls and wishing I could run my fingers through them. Would Squirt have his father’s hair? His brilliant blue eyes?

“Stop holding your breath.”

I nodded and tried to do as he said. Even so, my mind was working overtime, consumed with thoughts and questions for the future.

“Kate,” he said again, more forcefully. I met his eyes again. “Breathe.”

I nodded and took a few deep breaths, mostly to appease him.

“Are you concerned I’m not going to finish?”

I shook my head. “No. I know you’ll knock it out of the park. You always do.”

“You know why?” He swapped one paintbrush for another.

He was working so quickly now, and everyone else was too. The art room was no longer controlled chaos; it was pandemonium. Panic. Even in the midst of it, Xander was calm, in the zone.

“Because…” His tongue stuck out from between his teeth. “You…” He tilted his head, added a few more details. “Believe in me. None of this—” he set down the brush and stood “—would be possible without you.”

He pressed his lips to mine just as someone yelled time. “I love you, Kate. You—and now, Squirt—are my everything.”

Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I wiped them away furiously. I should tell him. I needed to tell him. But then…what would happen at the gender reveal? It was supposed to be a surprise for everyone—Xander and me included. And I’d ruined it.

“Angel.” Xander cupped my cheeks. “What’s wrong?”

“I—” I shook my head. “You—” I swallowed down my emotions. I knew it wasn’t that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, but this was something we’d agreed to do together. “I’m fine.”

Xander narrowed his eyes at me. We both knew I was lying, but as the judges and show host made their way around the room, there was nothing he could do about it. He handed me a tissue and stood beside me, placing his hand on my lower back. Every so often, I felt him watching me out of the corner of his eye.

We listened as the judges visited each station, asking questions after the artists had finished explaining their interpretation of the theme. Finally, it was our turn.

“Alexander Kline,” the host said. “Please tell us about your design.”

“My design attempts to capture the energy shift that comes with motherhood. The power, the love, the uncertainty, but also the joy. I chose warm colors to reflect this, colors of spark and fire—passion. Because that’s what I feel when I see this woman—the mother of my child—carrying the miracle we created.”

I wiped another tear away, as did the show host before she said, “That’s beautiful.”

The judges nodded their agreement, then made a few comments, all while I wished I could see the design.

“What do you think?” one of the judges asked. “Does the design evoke the feelings Xander mentioned?”

I gave him a sheepish smile. “I, um, actually haven’t seen it yet. We ran out of time before judging began.”

Someone rolled over a mirror, and when I saw my reflection, I gasped. The design was reminiscent of Van Gogh’s painting, The Starry Night. The sense of movement, of the painting being alive. But the colors were full of life and light—yellows and oranges, merging with pinks. It reminded me of a sunset or a field of flowers.

Xander had created something beautiful and unique. Something that reflected both our styles and was a celebration of passion, joy, hope. I held my fingers to my lips. “It’s beautiful.”

He linked his fingers with mine and leaned in to whisper in my ear. “You’re beautiful.”

The judges stepped aside to deliberate the winner and then called all of us to the front of the room.

“And the winner is…Braxton Reese.”

My shoulders slumped, but I smiled and clapped along with everyone else. How could they not have chosen Xander? The judges had seemed so enamored of his design. I certainly was.

I maintained my façade as my photograph was taken, and then I showered. All the while, I felt terrible. Xander hadn’t even wanted to do this in the first place. And while the winning design was beautiful, I still couldn’t believe Xander hadn’t won.

When I emerged from the side of the building in one of my new maternity dresses, I had to admit my mom was right. It really was more comfortable and flattering. I felt like a new woman in the colorful pattern that dipped low in the front and gathered on the sides. My blond tresses blew across my face, and I plucked them from my lip gloss, seeking out Xander.

I found him leaning next to the SUV we’d purchased a few weeks back. We hadn’t installed the car seat yet, but only because I’d told him it was too early. He was going to be such a good father—he already was.

He glanced up at me and smiled, and I faltered when his rich voice uttered a single word. “Hey.”

He could still make my heart flutter and my steps falter. Xander liked to tell me I was his everything, but the truth was—he was mine. “Hey.”

“You look beautiful, though I prefer you naked.” He grinned.

“Thank you. And same. I’m sorry you didn’t win. I thought yours was the best.”

He lifted a shoulder, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. “You’re biased.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Am not. Okay.” I giggled when he poked my side. “Maybe a little. But still…you should’ve won.”

“Reese’s design was pretty incredible.”

How he could be so talented yet so humble at the same time amazed me. It was one of the things I loved most about him.

He held the passenger door open for me. “You ready for this?”

“I’m excited,” I said, setting my bag inside. “Though I’m hoping Hunter and Lauren listened to my wishes and kept it small.”

He chuckled. “With your brother as the uncle, this was never going to be small.”

I grinned and moved to climb into the SUV when he boxed me in. His breath was warm against my lips, his scent calming.

“Hi.” He licked his lips, and my eyes darted there.

“Hi,” I whispered.

He cupped the back of my neck, pulling me in for a kiss that made all the worries, all the fears, all the world disappear. It was just Xander and me. Squirt kicked, and I giggled as Xander stilled.

He glanced down at my stomach, his hands immediately searching, caressing. The biggest smile spread across his face, and I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen Xander so happy. “Hey, baby.”

The sight of him touching my belly both protectively and lovingly, his tattooed arms wrapping around us, was more than I could handle. “I want you.”

He glanced up at me then around the parking lot. “Now?”

I bit my lip and nodded. “Please. I’m not going to make it until after the party. You’ve been gone all week. I need you.”

“Hop in.” He grinned, kissing me again before patting my butt. “I know just the place.”

I giggled and did as he instructed. He sped across town, his hand on my thigh. As he inched it up higher, toying with the edge of my panties, my breath hitched. “Oh god.”

“Spread for me.” His voice was gruff, and I had no idea how he was paying attention to the road. Especially not when I started to rub his length through his slacks, and his eyes drifted closed briefly.

“Fuck,” he hissed.

I moaned when he slid my panties aside, gliding his finger through my channel. “Xander. I want you. Inside me,” I panted. “Now.

“Just a little longer,” he ground out, taking a turn a little too fast and forcing me to grip the handle on the door. I laughed and squealed, eager to arrive at our destination, though I wasn’t sure where he was taking me. We’d been headed toward Hunter and Lauren’s house, until he took a few turns that went in a different direction.

Up through the hills we climbed, the ascent matching my own. I was getting closer, inching toward the apex of my desire, but I wanted to come with him inside me. More than anything, I needed to connect with him, to become one.

“Kate,” he groaned and pulled into the driveway of a home I didn’t recognize. When he produced a garage door clicker and pressed the button to open it, I really started to wonder what was going on.

“Xander?” I glanced to him as he pulled into the garage and put the car in park. “Where are we? What’s going on?”

“Welcome to our new home.” He beamed, my hand still resting on his cock.

“Our what?” I blurted.

“The loft isn’t going to work with a baby. We can keep it as our studio and live here,” he said, as if it were a done deal.

“Um.” I removed my hand and stared up at the house, which was huge and in the Hills. “Were you going to talk to me about this?”

“Of course.” He grabbed my hand, bringing it to his mouth so he could kiss the back of my knuckles. “As soon as we found out about Squirt, I asked Alexis to keep an eye out for properties that might work for us. This was the first one I actually liked enough to tour. I would never make such a huge decision without you. You know that, right?”

I must have hesitated too long because he said, “Kate?”

“Yes.” I shook my head, feeling even worse for what I’d done and for doubting him. “Of course.”

“You sure?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I’m sorry. This is super sweet. I’m just—I need to tell you something.” I swallowed. “About the appointment.”

He straightened, his eyes searching mine. “What is it? Are you okay?” He placed a hand on my stomach. “Is the baby…”

“Yes.” I nodded, hating that I’d caused him concern. “Yes. We’re fine, but…” The story came tumbling out of me before I said, “I’m so sorry, Xander.”

I hung my head, unable to meet his gaze. I started crying, feeling even worse about the whole thing.

He placed his finger beneath my chin and lifted until I was forced to look at him. “Angel.” His tone was calming. “It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re both healthy.”

I sniffled, trying to stop the tears. “I really wanted to share that moment with you, and I can’t believe I blew it.”

He chuckled. “I’m excited, no matter how or when I find out.” He wiped my tears. “Okay?”

I nodded, feeling better already. I should’ve known he’d be nothing but sweet and caring, like always.

“Thank you for arranging the showing with Alexis, but is this really what you want? The big house in the Hills and—” I gestured widely. “All that entails?”

“Honestly?” He dropped his head and blew out a breath. “No. But my mom was a single parent—of twins. My father was…never in the picture. I need you to know that I can provide for our family. That you’ll have the things you want and need.”

This man…he was so caring and supportive. Such a good provider, even if he worried about it. He was so incredibly sexy.

“Xander.” I turned my hand in his, sliding my fingers between his. “All I want, all I need is you.”

He must have sensed the shift in my tone because he rasped, “Get out,” before exiting the car and rounding the hood. When I didn’t move, he said, “You heard me.”

I wasn’t sure what to think, but my body did. My nipples tingled, my core aching to be touched once more. He pressed the clicker, closing the garage and sealing us inside.

He yanked open the door to the SUV, but when he tugged on my hand, his touch was gentle. “I need you.”

“Now?” My eyes went wide, though I couldn’t deny the idea excited me. “Here?”

He glanced around at the empty space. “I thought you were the one who couldn’t wait. Don’t get all shy on me now.” He winked.

I giggled and hopped out of the car. “Okay. Okay.”

He ran his hands up and down my sides, kissing my neck, my collarbone, worshiping me. I moaned, leaning my head back against the car. “That feels so good.”

He mapped my curves, exploring my new body with fascination. I palmed him through his slacks, until we were both panting. All the while, my ache for him grew. And when he stripped me of my underwear, I was even more thankful I’d worn a dress. It was a stretchy material that made for easy access in all the right places.

“I missed you so much,” he said into my hair. “Missed this.”

A tear streaked down my cheek, my emotions going haywire. The pleasure was too intense, the sensations overwhelming. “I love you,” I said as I reclined against the seat, resting my elbows there. He unfastened his pants, shoving them and his boxers down. He lined himself up and pushed inside, stretching me, filling me.

“I love you,” he whispered, dotting kisses in my hair, along my jawline.

“Promise me you’ll stop working so hard.” I gasped when he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth. “Oh god.”

“But I—”

I glared at him. “Xander.”

He dipped his head, his expression contrite.

“We are partners. And I want you—not money or fame or whatever. Only you. I love you—Xander. Not Professor Kline or internationally famous artist Alexander Kline. You.”

He pressed his lips to mine. “I love you. And I promise.”

“Good.” I grinned, satisfied by his response. I gripped his shirt and pulled him closer to add friction to my clit. “Now, make me come. We have a gender-reveal party to attend.”

He chuckled, dropping his head to my chest. “What mama wants, mama gets.”

I laughed, knowing he’d do anything within his power to make me happy. And then my laughter turned to moans of pleasure as he used his thumb to stroke my clit, pushing all other thoughts from my mind. Higher and higher I climbed until I detonated like a firework, colors flashing before my eyes, pleasure ricocheting throughout my body. He groaned and pumped a few more times, my name on his lips as he came.

And as I floated back down to earth, I knew it would all work out. Despite my concerns, I knew we’d find a balance. We were partners, and we loved each other. And that was what really mattered.